Music video shoot pt.5

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Yes, you missed him.

Brian hasn't gotten home yesterday you decided to break up on the phone with him. You've told him that you never wanna see him ever again.

You have to admit that it was kinda relieving but right now you were just so alone.

You don't have to work for the next two weeks so you'll have a lot of time...

You decided to go for a run. You always do this when you're upset or something. You're just so much better afterwards.


About half an hour later you returned back home, showered and then looked at your phone.

You only got one text message. It was from a number that you haven't saved in your phone yet...Marshall. You knew it was him so you opened the chat:

Everything okay? How are you?

How can someone be so sweet. He really must care for you.

So you just answered.

You: I'm better...but I broke up with him over the phone. Thanks for asking (:

He answered quickly.

Him: What are you doin?

You: I dont have to work for two weeks so I'm kinda doin nothing

Him: Wanna come around? I'm at my studio right know.

You: I dont wanna disturb you. Youre probably working.

But he didn't answer. Instead your phone suddenly started to ring.


"Y/n, come on. I wouldnt be asking you if I wouldn't want you to be here", you heard Marshalls voice through the phone. Of course it was him.

"Okay", you finally said. "Where do I have to go?"

He told you the address and described how you'll find him in the building.


A bit later you rang the door bell of his studio and went in when it opened.

Then you went upstairs where Marshall would probably be. When you knocked on the door you already heard him yell something before he opened the door.

"Hey", he said with a smile on his face and let you in. "What's up?"

"Marshall", you just sighted happily before he wrapped one arm around you while he closed the door with the other one.

After you gave each other a quick hug you followed him inside.

You've never been in a studio before so this was quite impressive.

Marshall showed you around a bit. Heres even a kitchen.

"So this is where the magic happens", you giggled when he showed you the booth.

But he just rolled his eyes at you, even if he couldn't hide his smile.

But after a time you just went back into the room where all the couches are.

"Cmon", Marshall mumbled and sat down on the big couch. He pointed next to him so you sat down too. "You wanna talk a bit?"

You just nodded but then you just grabbed his arm and pressed your face against it.

But Marshall just pulled his arm out of your grib and pulled you into his arms.

"Bella, you know what? I'm so proud of you", he whispered and gave you a kiss on the head.

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