You meet at a LA party pt.3

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"I miss you, Marshall", you sighed into the phone.

Marshall had went back to Detroit about a week ago.

And what can you say... For the two weeks he was in LA you've spent more time at his house than in yours. It was like you're addicted to his presence.

"I miss you too, sweetie. But I need to do some stuff here. I'll be back in Cali next month though", he explained.

You were talking on FaceTime. You were laying on your couch just staring at the screen, staring at the man you somehow happened to fall in love with.

It never happened that fast but this man was everything. He was the sweetest person ever and you just love spending time with him.

You've spent almost every night at his house, sleeping in his bed. Sleeping in his arms.

And what can you've had the best sex of your life with this man....

You were watching Marshall on the screen. He was in his studio, working on some beats. But he was right now taking a break.

"Have you shaved your beard a little?", you then asked, inspecting his face through the phone.

"Yup", he nodded. "You like it?"

"Hell yeah", you instantly said. "It looks hot."

"Oh thanks", he chuckled. "I needed to shave it for a photo shoot, you know?"

"You should keep it like that", you shrugged.

"Okay", he simply nodded.

It was quiet for a while.

"I wish you were here...", you mumbled. "I could use a hug."

"Y/n", he said softly. "I know...I swear next time I'm taking you with me. I miss you."

That made you smile.

"Marshall, I have to make a really important presentation tomorrow at my work. If I pass I get promoted, you know? I'm really nervous because I put a lot of work into this...", you blurted out after a while.

"Really? That's amazing, y/n. I'm sure you'll pass. You'd deserve it a hundred percent", he smiled.

"Thanks", you mumbled. "It would just be so so disappointing if—"

"Don't think about it", Marshall cut you off. "I believe in you."

"Okay", you nodded.

You fucking failed.

You were devastated and were crying all the way home and as soon as you've arrived home you simply went into bed and cried.

After a while you simply decided to call Marshall...

"Hi baby", he said softly. "What's going on?"

"I've failed", you sobbed. "I have fucking failed. I'm such a fucking failure. This is so stupid! I can already quit working, seriously!" You were so fucking hurt and angry.

"Heyyy, calm down", Marshall tried softly. "Stop crying."

"Marshall, you don't know how this feels! I'm such a failure. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I'm so stupid!"

"Stop that shit", he said angrily. "Sweetie, you're not stupid, neither a failure or any of that shit. Shit like that happens, okay? But that doesn't mean life's over. You're gonna be fine."

That just made you sob even harder. "I need a hug", you sobbed. "I'm freaking out." You were shaking by now.

"Baby I can't give you that right now. But you need to calm down. The world isn't ending."

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