Your house caught fire pt.1

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You woke up from a loud pang in the middle of the night. You looked at your phone. It was 2 p.m.

What the fuck was going on?

That was when you smelled the scent of gas. So you immediately knew something was going on.

You instantly got out of bed and walked downstairs, only in your tank top and sleeping shorts.

The scent of gas became even stronger as you reached the first floor. And that was when you suddenly saw flames in the kitchen and the fire alarm went off.

"Oh my god!", you yelled in total panic. "Fuck!"

Next you simply ran outside and dialed 911. Luckily they quickly answered the phone and you could explain everything to you. They told you they would be here in two minutes.

You were by now completely freaking out, trying to keep your shit together and not bursting out into tears.

Plus, outside it was freezing cold. And you were just standing there, barefoot in your short sleeping pants and a tank top.

You had just moved to Detroit because you were just offered a really good job as the CEO of a very huge company here in Detroit. This is also how you could afford living in the neighborhood you live in. It was a gated community with only huge mansions. You own one yourself...which is currently on fire....

That was when you fortunately heard the sirens of the firetrucks and shortly after they pulled up in your driveway, followed by a police car.

One of the police officers walked over to you.

"Hello ma'am, do you live here?", the officer asked.

You nodded.

"Okay, I'm just going to ask you a few questions so we know what is going on", he explained.

You nodded again.

He asked you a few questions and you could either answer them or tell him that you didn't know since you've been sleeping only ten minutes ago.

While you were talking the fire fighters tried to get rid of the fire.

After a while the officer left you standing there alone and walked back to his car to write some stuff down.

So you simply decided to sit down in your neighbors driveway since he seemed to be on vacation or something since you haven't seen him yet. Well, you're only living here for a week...but still.

By now you were shivering because it was so damn cold. But you needed to stay strong now, you told yourself.

But that was when suddenly a car pulled up in your neighbor's driveway and a male figure got out. You could only see his silhouette since it was pitch black outside but it seemed as if he had already spotted you sitting on the floor since he now walked over to you.

He stopped right in front of you, simply glancing down at you.

"Hi", you mumbled shyly, not knowing how to act.

"What are you doing here?", the man asked. He was probably in his late forties. He had brown hair and a beard. And he was wearing some black sweatpants and a black winter jacket.

"I live in that house", you stated and pointed at your house. "I probably need a new one now", you joked, only that you wouldn't start crying.

"Oh so you're my new neighbor?", the man asked.

"Well, if you live here, you are", you shrugged pointing at his house.

"I do", he nodded. "I'm Marshall."

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