Meeting the Oracle Fish

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*Hello reader, welcome back to the show!

Oh my gosh, how long has it been since we've seen this guy? I mean, remember when he was first introduced, people assumed he would play a bigger role later. To all those who predicted that, give yourself a hand!

Now, Luna if you please....*


Greetings males, females, and the rainbow color in between.

Time for everyone to learn some new things about the planet, the Terran one, and the key behind why the beloved "goddess" decided to leave the world behind.

It is quite tedious to keep stringing you all along like this and leaving for months in the end. The author would like to give an apology.

If she was here that is.

Never-ending torture with her.

So now we continue where we left off when Lilith captured you and your princes. Just let us hope that you are okay.


I found myself sinking deep into the waters of a familiar pool. It was calming, and silent, and nothing was thriving around me.

The clear water hid nothing and I saw the most dazzling place on this whole planet. An underwater temple that looked as if it were like the ancient ruins of a fallen civilization. Pearls lined the walls of the pillars, seaweed lined the floor, and there was even a statue amid the temple. This statue was of a beautiful woman with long hair, golden robes, and eyes that were as bright as the sun. The sun symbols adorned her robes so much that I figured out who she was immediately.

"Ahh...welcome back, the traveler from the stars. I was hoping that you would return to the sacred well."

I gasped, noticing someone else was in the main room with me. It couldn't was just too coincidental that I would've run into the strange creature that saved me once again. It was the handsome merman from when I ventured into the Garden of Eden! His algae-green eyes were full of wisdom and kindness. Webbed fingers intertwined with my own as he brought me in close. His tail, oh my, his tail was so vibrant with an array of colorful scales on a blue tail that fanned out. There was no covering on his chest, but there were more colorful scales that went down his chest. He was quite handsome, but I had long learned to fear the handsome wiles of men. After this journey at least...

I went to say something, however, I remembered that I was underwater. If I opened my mouth for just a bit, it would be the end of me. Noticing this, the merman placed a finger on my lips. A bubble of some sort entered my mouth as air pushed into my lungs. Gasping, I found myself coughing for air and saw him smile down at me.

"T-T-Thank you for that. I was worried I was going to drown for a minute there." I looked away as I stared at the splendor of the temple. "Where are we? Is this what the lake in the garden holds?"

"Yes...this the sanctuary for those who seek out the truth about the goddess they claim to follow. I am one of the oldest creatures that roam this doomed planet since before the creation of humans." He swam with me down to the murals on the walls that depicted the beginning of the world. "I was merely a talking fish that Cosmo had created to be her loyal companion. This would change when humans were brought to this world. The elders came seeking my knowledge, both good and bad. Children would tell me of their fears and triumphs. Young lovers sought guidance in their relationships and future with each other. They called me the Oracle Fish."

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