Hidden Emotions

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*Hello my worthy friends, please come inside for some tea and stories! I've made you a nice Earl Grey and a new chapter for your entertainment. Are you ready for some yandere Viridian? I know I am! Also, enjoy a pic of best friend Emerald! Also, this is a filler chapter to branch into the large one I'm making later.
Warning! Slight Yandere ahead! 
The forest holds many secrets, but you better be careful who you trust!
The trees will show the truth! 
"I have to get out of here!"
Eve felt her heart patter as she ran through the thick brush of the forest. She clutched the single red rose close to her chest, fearing she might drop it. This was one of the tickets she needed to leave this planet. It was no ordinary rose after all.
She fell down, her knee scraping on the rocky soil. The second she had plucked that flower from the bush, the whole region started to collapse! It was like this flower was the catalyst for how long this region had been functioning! Behind her, she heard the heavy footsteps of the monster she had been running from. Picking herself up, she found herself at the familiar cliff where she had shared her first kiss with the young man that had a connection with nature. He told her that he had loved her, but there was more to his eyes than what he had said. There was desire, lust, and obsession that she knew would lead to his downfall. Then she took that rose, something strange happened to him. He started changing into something more horrific, more sinister.
The footsteps stopped behind her, heavy breathing was heard as something wet fell on her head. She closed her eyes, feeling a giant vine snaking around her waist. A sharp claw brushed through her ebony black hair as a deep voice resonated in her right ear.
"No more running, my lovely blossom."
"What do you plan on doing with her when we get there?"
Emerald stirred his cup of green tea as his eyes wandered to your sleeping form. They were almost to the main greenhouse palace where Viridian and the other nobles resided. He had been with his loyal friend since they were just babies. He never was one to question his actions or his motives, but this goddess was causing him to go back to his family's primal instincts. He had seen it all before when his grandfather passed away. The way he acted on that day frightened him, but he didn't let it show.
Viridian was currently brushing his fingers through her (h/c) hair and humming a soft tune that his grandfather used to sing to them when they were going down for a nap. He pressed his lips on her forehead and turned back to him.
"Well, once I gain her trust and approval, I will marry her and live my life ruling by her side. She will get her throne back and I will help her in any way I can. Perhaps we will make a little goddess for ourselves and repopulate the planet." Viridian said, staring at his friend intensely. "If any of the others try to get in my way, well you know how powerful my lineage really is."
Emerald took a sip of his tea and nodded. "If I recall, your grandfather met the first goddess when he was in his youth. Didn't she also take the sacred flower that kept our region alive?"
"She did, and she was a fool to hurt his heart like that! All my grandfather wanted was to have her love and for her to return his affections. But she betrayed him!" He gripped (Y/N)'s hand in his, making her flinch in her sleep. "No more sorrow! I just want a happy ending unlike him! I'm sick and tired of hiding my pain behind a smile."
Emerald was quiet as he heard him rant. He had been used to this sort of talks when his grandfather died. Boulder and him were close to the young prince than his own father. His father had shut him out, not talking him or anything. He had comeplely isolated himself from Viridian, feeling the pain of death overtake him. He placed a hand in his friend's, feeling vines wrap around his arm. His eyes widen in surprise as he saw the smile on Viridian's face. It was that of a crazed man.
He just hoped that nothing will happen in the village that will cause any trouble.

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