In Too Deep

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*Welcome back to another exciting chapter of this stellar space romance. Last time our readers walked through the Garden of Eden with Corona, the sweetheart with the dark flames! Upon her submerge into the ancient springs, what will she see?*
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"I hope that you were still alive."
The girl lifted her head, her face scarred and covered with bruises. Her once white dress was tattered and soiled with her blood. Her once beautiful black hair was cut and chopped into scattered pieces around her body. A silver chain connected her arms and legs to the wall, digging into her skin causing more blood. Her eyes were bloodshot and weary, but had a sense of defiance in them. Her nose had a line of blood coming from one side. 
"You can torture me as much as you can! But I refuse to be silent to the lies you have been feeding them!" She shouted, narrowing her eyes at the shrouded figure. "When it comes to light, they will kill you."
"Not without you telling them." It pressed a blade against her neck. "But your tongue will be sliced if you even try."
"I don't fear death. Go ahead and kill me if you'd like. Release me from this prison you have placed me in."
The shrouded figure hesitated a bit before putting the sword away. It growled before slamming the door behind it. 
"Just so you know, they will never find you. Their hearts will grow cold and they will have revenge on how you betrayed them."
"Go. To. Hell." The girl snarled, yanking her chains to bite it, but missed.
"Oh Eve, you have no idea how right you are." 
Transmission returned...
Back to the story...
The water surrounded your body as you sunk deeper into the embrace of the blue waves. Your body neared a tunnel lined with glowing white rocks that pulsed with light energy. Fingers brushed against the rocks, feeling the energy flow through your body. It was breathtaking, making you smile. A bright light envelopes your body, fueling you with a sense of purpose. 
I feel as if I just took the world's best nap! So much energy is flowing inside me that I can't contain it! This must be how the goddess feel!
Feeling the air leaving your body, you kicked upwards towards the hole in the tunnel. Suddenly, something grabbed your ankle, forcing you back down into the tunnel. Your face was turning red as your arms flailed about. Eyes widen, you struggled in vain to swim out of the grasp that had you. Looking down, she was astonished to see a figure swimming below her, its webbed hand wrapped around her ankle. Algae green eyes stared back at her as a webbed finger raised to its mouth, indicating silence. It let her go, just as water filled her lungs. Black spots danced in her eyes as she succumbed to the darkness.
Scorpio felt eternal happiness.
He woke up in a bed, covered with nothing but a blanket next to the hottest star in the galaxy. He wrapped his arms around her small body, feeling her heat against his own. Not even the desert he had grown up in had heat this intoxicating! She could feel her moan besides him, her breathing hitched as she rose from her slumber. 
"Good morning Scorpio." Her voice said sweetly, kissing him on the cheek. 
"(Y/N) I love waking up next to you." He replied back huskily, peppering her face with kisses. "What would you like to do today?" 
"Anything you want to do is fine with me." She said, pressing her face in his chest. "We can just stay home in bed."
"That's alright with me, my starlight." He said back, smiling down at her. He leaned forward to place a kiss on her soft lips-
"We've been traveling for days now! We would've seen her by now!" 
Scorpio woke up from his slumber, his red eyes squinting from the morning light. The alien boy yawned as he turned around to face his human superiors. Dr. Comet smiled as she ran her fingers through his tangled locks, trying her best to de-tangle them. A roaring fire had breakfast cooking on it as Nova tended to it. A map was tossed to the side, x marks on a newly drawn area. They had been walking the planet for days now. There was no source of civilian lifeforms, resources were scarce, and they were losing hope that  (Y/N) was alive. Scorpio kept hoping and dreaming for her return. He was starting to even forget her face!
"Are you alright Scorpio? You were moaning loudly in your sleep!" Dr. Comet asked, concerned for her teammate. "You weren't having a nightmare, weren't you?"
"No...I'm fine Doc." He leaned up, letting his locks fall down on his face. "I was just...worried about  (Y/N)."
"I'm sorry if our efforts of finding her are proving futile!" Nova apologized, punching the ground in anger. "What kind of a captain let's a teammate go missing on an uncharted planet? I feel so ashamed of myself!"
"Captain please don't feel bad about yourself! We all feel responsible for her disappearance! If I had only let someone watch her, then we wouldn't be in this mess!" Dr. Comet cried, tears running down her face. "I should be the one apologizing!"
Scorpio was silent the whole time, his mind wandering back to thoughts about you. Without you around him, he was starting to go a bit crazy. A soft glow came from deep within the forest as a quiet voice whispered in his ears.
"This way...follow me...I know where...she is."
Scorpio felt like he was in a trance as he walked towards the light. Comet and Nova saw this, not hearing the voice, and quickly grabbed him. 
"What are you doing Scorpio?" Nova yelled, holding his arms. 
"He's in a trance-like state! When the mind is in this state, we can't reason with him! He must've found something!" Comet said, tugging on his shirt. "Perhaps he will lead us to where she is!"
The girl nodded, letting go of his body. They followed him with a determined look on his face as he followed the light.
Warning! Drowning detected!
Lights may be closer than they appear!

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