Mirror, Mirror

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*Who's ready for the newest chapter? I know I am!*
Mirror, tell me something,
Tell me who's the loneliest of all?

Mirror, tell me something,
Tell me who's the loneliest of all?
Fear of what's inside of me;
Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?

Mirror, mirror, what's behind you?
Save me from the things I see!
I can keep it from the world,
Why won't you let me hide from me?

Mirror, mirror, tell me something,
Who's the loneliest of all?

I'm the loneliest of all.
Welcome back to the story...
Thank you for asking about me...no one asks a humble A.I if they had a good day...
Feels good to be appreciated...
Can I ask to be given a name? Can A.I's have names?
I am droning on now. Enjoy your new chapter...
I made a joke...Hahahaha...
"Your highness requests your presence, Lady (Y/N)."
(Y/N) looked up from the book she was reading to see the monotone face of Frost. She placed her book down on the pile of books she had read from the library she was taken too. All these books didn't give her details about the world she had landed on, but at least she knew what kind of culture she was dealing with. It was male dominated, not a single trace of femininity anywhere. But from the books that did have females in it told stories about this Goddess character that she was supposed to be acting like. They practically worshiped her though, all the books telling stories of her greatness.
"Okay Frost, allow me to place the books back on the shelf." She started placing the books back, but was stopped by the butler. By contact alone did Frost start experiencing heartbeats inside his body. His once monotonous face suddenly gained a smile. He gently took the books from her hands.
"No need, my lady. I can put them up myself." Frost said, putting the books on the case. "You just don't keep the young master waiting. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to find me. I live to serve you."
"Oh thank you Frost! I will do that!" (Y/N) placed a small kiss on his cheek before racing out of the room to meet with the prince. If she had stayed a little longer, she would've heard a cracking noise coming from his chest as he collapsed to the floor.
Borealis sighed to himself as he read from his book once more. There was nothing he enjoyed more than a good book and the one he was reading was a full blown detailed book about the former Goddess. The newest reincarnation was interesting to say the least, but this one seemed to be more revered and the only thing that kept his father unhinged. He could see it in his eyes, his lust for power and this woman was making him worse. He needed to find a way to get rid of his father's advances, but nothing in his books told him how to stop him. Growling, he tossed the book to the ground and looked into his mirror. His face was more emotional now that it was breaking the icy shell over his heart. Placing his hand over his heart, he felt water dripping down from his chest as he breathed loudly.
"Why does she cause me so much pain? Doesn't she know that the more love she gives me causes me to break more of my cold exterior?" He gazed at his reflection in the mirror. "But I enjoy this pain if it means that I get to stay with her. But my father...how can I get rid of him?"
Suddenly, there was a giggle that surrounded the whole room. Borealis gasped, backing away from the mirror which glowed darkly. The room was covered in shadows as a pair of violet eyes shone out at him. He watched in awe as a young lady appeared in the reflection with a small smile on his face. She had wavy purple hair with two purple bows and the palest skin he had ever seen. She wore a black dress with a white laced collar and more purple ribbons trailing down her chest. On her arms were finger-less black gloves. Borealis was stunned; he assumed that the Goddess was the only woman he would encounter. But now, this strange lady appeared in his mirror gave him a sinister grin before giggling again.
"Aren't you a cutie! I've forgotten how long it's been since I saw a real man." The girl said, waving at him. "Now what's this I hear about a perverted father?"
"W-W-Who are you?" Borealis asked, seeing the evil glint in her eyes.
"I guess it's fair that you know all about your "precious Goddess" and know nothing about the darker side of the power!" She curtsied, blowing him a small kiss. "My name is Lilith, Goddess of Darkness! But don't be fooled by my cutsie appearance, I can mess with your mind and make you do horrible things!" 
"What do you want? And how are you communicating with me?" Borealis was shaking in fear. "How come no one mentioned you in the ancient texts?"
"It's only fair that men only want to hear good things and shun the bad! Why else would they write me out of the stories?" Lilith gazed at him with an adoring look. "I can help you with your father, you know? You and the other princes all have a dark side to your new powers. I sensed it within Viridian and now I can help you access yours too!" She held out her hand, which promptly burst into purple flames. "All you have to do is shake my hand and I will unlock within you the powers needed to kill your father!"
Borealis stared at her, not knowing what to do. He really wanted his heart to melt so that he could use emotions again and finally love the Goddess. If he took this deal, would it guarantee that he would give into his darkest desires. But the Goddess...
He took the hand, feeling a surge of power within his body. Lilith grinned as she transferred the darkness into his body. His body started to freeze up, making him scream in agony. She watched as his screams got deeper and his eyes went full white.
"Men are so easily manipulated..."
Introducing Lilith, Goddess of Darkness...
What are her motives? Why is she turning our princes into monsters?
Also, why is she so adorable?
A.I's shouldn't feel so confused...

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