Heart of Darkness

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Let's get back to the plot again and see some origins! I can't wait for more drama! But let's do a small detour for the story!*

Well it's great to be back in action after so long! I was being to rust inside my hard drive! My brother was telling me to give up hope, but I never did! I'm grateful that we get to tell the story again! So without further ado...let's go and see where we left off!


On second thought, maybe we should just skip ahead in the plot. I just read what happened last time and it wasn't pretty. However, I shall provide you with some well needed flashbacks!


Once, there was darkness...

The Goddess was a beacon of light and hope for all. She shined in a radiant light that could break through any darkness, dispel any curse, and restore strength in a flash! The overworlders praised their sunshine, their holiness, their ruler! Four kings ruled beside her, wanting to be blessed with just a glance or even a smile from her golden face. The world thrived, crops restored, and waters flowing crystal blue. Her appearance was a game changer to the men lead society and they worshiped her for it.

However, with every yang, there is a yin.

In the shadows, the followers of the dark mistress were sent into exile from the beings of light. The king of the shadows was not deterred by this however. He strived to bring his kingdom back up in the sun and wreck havoc throughout the entire planet. But to do that would require years of planning and scheming.

First off, Lilth had been trapped within the mirrors of the kingdom, her only use of travel. With her guidance using dark magic, they were able to perform necromancy and shadow magic. The king himself became as powerful as the goddess, being her disciple. He needed an heir to the throne, which was hard considering his people were shadow dwellers. Lilith made a solution though that would change his life for good.

"Let me bless you with an heir to the throne." She asked the king one day in his study. "But, he will live as long as the days are young and keep his face of youth. However, if he steps into the light of day, he will surely die."

The king agreed with these terms and with the Goddess of darkness' permission, they produced an heir to the throne. He had his mother's hair as black as midnight and eyes as red as rubies. He took his father's facial features as well, from the way his nose was shaped to the dimples on his cheeks. Lilith wouldn't admit it out loud, but she felt a small attachment to the child she had created. All her shadow monsters paled in comparison to the child. He would be revered and respected by her numerous creations while the war overworld was still raging. As she lead her armies into battle, Onyx was being taught the ways of combat and knowledge from his father. He learned dark magic from Lilith who would come and visit from time to time. His facial expressions when he learned how to summon a beast or curse an object made her days a little more bearable.


"Now watch mommy perform a spell and you'all be able to do this one too!"

A small Onyx watched as Lilith, in her more mature form, summon a special staff from the shadows. He was sitting in the underground cavern gardens where crystals of different color and origin grew. He was on a rather large piece of quartz while a small shadow beast sat in his lap. It was his familiar, his guardian of sorts that he had created himself. It resembled a wolf with dark black fur, glowing red eyes, and sharp silver claws. His hair had grown long and black, King Obsidian tying it into a long ponytail to keep it from getting into his eyes. His skin was deathly pale, with little to none of color making his red eyes stand out. He was wearing his standard training outfit which consisted of a plain black tee, long black pants, and black boots.

"Mother, will I be able to create my own staff like yours one day?" He asked curiously, awed by his mother's weapon.

Lilith gave him a coy look as she spun around to generate dark butterflies from the tip of the staff. "Perhaps one day my child. It took me a few centuries to fully discover how to even summon it! But you are my son, so maybe you'll be able to surprise me one day." She handed him the staff, grinning. "If you can produce a spell from it, then I'll make a practice one for you."

Onyx, placing down his wolf pup, was eager to showcase how much he had learned. He grasped the staff, feeling how much power flowed through the stick itself. A glowing dark light surrounded the staff as it changed form in his very hands! Lilith watched in surprise as it went from being an ebony branch with a silver orb at the top into a blackwood branch with a black diamond at the tip. Onyx fell backwards as his eyes started glowing as well. A surge in dark energy erupted from the staff and was set spiralling upwards into the cavern ceiling. Rocks started to tumble towards his petrified state as Lilith stood in front of him. Snatching the staff back from his hands, she summoned a barrier to shield them from the carnage. The wolf pup barked loudly as he ran over to the falling boy. Lilith turned around and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of him just fainting from magical fatigue.

"So close...so very close." She murmured, caressing the young prince's face. "If it had been any sooner, I would've lost him." She gasped, clenching her staff tightly. "No...I need to train him to become stronger and more powerful than I. One day, my sister is going to do something she might regret and then try to bring my subjects to ruin. In order to keep him safe..." She raised the staff, closing her eyes as she rose from the ground. "I call upon the forces of dark, in case of my untimely depart. I curse the ones who rule the day, that want to take my life away. Let their heirs be cursed henceforth, to beasties that they will transform. And as the forces of light dies, let my dark forces rise!"

Purplish energy surrounded her body as she chanted those words and shot them upwards into the air. A curse that would never be undone by any other means unless someone of equal power could break it. But the only one that would ever come close would be her own son. There was no way that he would ever betray his own mother.

"I'm doing this for you, my dark one." Lilith picked up Onyx with her other arm and kissed his forehead. "We will rule this planet together and if we have time, then maybe the whole universe."


Woah! So this is the origin of Prince, no wait, King Onyx! Lilth is his mother? Talk about family awkwardness! What will happen next? Guess we'll have to see soon!

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