A Second Chance

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Being in the Dark Fortress was something (Y/N) had to get used to.

She was much more familiar with the hall of the academy, the majesty of the various historical buildings, and the coziness of her sleep pod. Her heart even ached when she realized that she had been gone for a few months now, losing connection with home base after they had entered the wormhole. She was even starting to miss her captain despite the fact she was trying to kill her.

Was it wrong for her to feel slightly homesick?

Images popped in her head of the sweet moon cakes she would share every Lunar Cycle Celebration. How she longed for their gooey textures now. The smell of fresh rust on the surface of Mars also left a lasting impression. She recalled the roughness of the road to each colony via the buggies. Her fingers danced when the memories of Scorpio taking her out to the outer rims of Europa to go ice skating. How warm his hands felt when he picked her up from falling on the ground.

All that time he was an actual sun God in disguise.

(Y/N) paused in her pacing, staring out the window she was in front of. The inner workings of the Dark Fortress was constantly changing to keep prying eyes from finding it. The place was a gift from the Goddess of Darkness to her first husband and remained a place where her husbands could go whenever they wanted solitude. Now, with the help of Onyx's powers, it was used as their base of operations. Even though it was just her, Onyx, and Frost at the moment. Her hands gripped the side of the window as she glared out into the inky black abyss.

How am I supposed to stop an all-powerful goddess?

Her left hand rubbed its opposite when she felt something slick. Her eyes darted down to notice a familiar silver star shaped mark on her hand. Her heart pounded as she realized that she had the means of possibly stopping her enemy right there! Maybe she had a chance; save the planet, defeat Lilith, and go home! This could be the only chance she got to use this.

Before her lips could utter a wish, she paused. Even though this was a mark given to her by the one called...well One, she couldn't be foolish enough to ask for Lilith's downfall. This was this being's daughter! They would probably hate her or worse for wishing such a fate. Now that wish felt like a waste of almost good energy as she lowered her hand down.

(Y/N) sank to the floor, her chest heaving as tears went down her face. So that was it huh? She couldn't think of another possible way to save her friends and the planet? Why couldn't this all just be a dream? Why couldn't she just close her eyes right now and find herself back in sleeping stasis? Traveling the universe in search of a new home...and apparently according to her captain, a new civilization to conquest. It just didn't make any sense! Was everything just a ploy to get young space cadets trained and primed for combat against species that just wanted to live in peace?

Her tears hit the mirrored glass that made up the floor. A heavy heart weighted itself in her chest as she buried her head in her arms and leaned against the stony walls. All she wanted was a peaceful moment of silence. Away from the thoughts of betrayal and chaos. Away from the mentioning of her godly friend and their doomed mission.

All she wanted to do was drift into a comfortable silence.

I should've known that you wouldn't use my wish for a selfish purpose. I chose you well, my dear.

So much for a moment's rest.

(Y/N) opened her eyes to find herself back in tbe domain of the stars once more. Her body was light, feeling as if she were a specter of some sort. Her eyes trailed down to the white dress she now wore with silver sparkles. Then, her head craned upwards to see the smiling face of The One leaning on his hand and looking back at her. His entire body surrounded the galaxy, the planets floating around him. The planet she was currently on rested in the palm of his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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