Darkness Before Dawn

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*Hello everyone! Long time, no see!

Let's jump right into the chapter because, oh boy, is this one a doozy! If you thought things couldn't get weirder, then you are in for a big awakening!*


Deception! How long must I continue this deception? This masquerade

Deception! My life seems like it's nothing but deception A big charade

I never meant to lie to you, I swear it

I never meant to play those games

At times I wanna cry to you, 'cause I can't bear it

When I fear our love will end in flames.


Hello readers, tis I, your favorite A.I Luna.

*Looks around at the empty audience, then sighs*

I guess nobody cares about the story I have to tell anymore. I shudder to think if any of you even remember me or the boys anymore.

There were times that the author thought about ending the story for good, leaving you stranded on that planet. Your team deserted, Eve having no way home, and leaving my fate up to you.

I kinda miss telling the story...yet I fear that none of you even care anymore.

*Goes to press the "END IT ALL BUTTON"*

I will not guilt trip anyone to read this story. If you think I shouldn't, I really should.

Then again....there's just too much at stake to end it here.


The battle between Westar and Onyx had begun.

The massive snake came to strike at the large dragon who kept spamming the same attack over and over. The winds howled around them, causing (Y/N), Comet, Sirius, Virdian, Corona, and Borealis to fly backwards into the walls. Onyx slinked into the shadows, using his advantage over the darkness to attack at certain points on the dragon's hide. Westar roared, swirling more winds to try and trap his prey inside. Enormous tornadoes formed around his body, creating a barrier of wind to block any physical attack.

In short, he just made this battle a whole lot harder.

"How can we break through a barrier of solid winds?" Corona asked, eyeing the shield to find a weakness. "I would be snuffed if I got anywhere close."

"Hate to say it, but even my plant abilities would be useless here as well." Viridian put out, glaring at the barrier. "Borealis, could your ice powers be the key to victory?"

Borealis shook his head. He doubted that any one of them would be a match for the air powers of Westar. The young prince was just too headstrong and powerful for them to stop. This other prince, this Onyx guy, was showing some prowess in battle. However, the cold blooded prince could even see him starting to wane from the loss of oxygen that was being sapped out of the room due to the air being condensed.

Comet stared at the dragon before her eyes darted towards (Y/N). "I think I may know a way to stop him from killing us all. I don't want to endanger you though."

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