Prologue: Meet Viridian

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*So I decided to go to the final frontier and explore a concept where I boldly take the reader where no girl has gone before: Outer Space! So enjoy, Outer Space Love!*

Start transmission...

In the Andromeda Galaxy, there lies a planet of an unusual stature. Instead of your generic aliens or micro-lifeforms, there was a planet full of the male species. This planet was separated into four sectors, a ruler in each section. One up in the frozen northern lands, one in the fiery southern canyons, in the east was the jungle paradise and beach, and finally the west with it's massive deserts. The lands lived in peace and harmony, unaware of the different galaxies that surrounded their own. Legends of various planets outside their own made them curious, but none wanted to venture out to see for themselves, fearing the unknown.

One story however, gives them hope for a better future. It was the legend of a fairly different humanoid that was vastly different from their own. This man was well-developed with curves and a voluptuous chest, covered with the finest of garments and scented with the best fragrances. It's hair was long and wild like the vines of the jungle, eyes that could melt the ice caps, lips as red as the lava from the volcanoes, and tanned skin baked from the sun. Many statues were built in honor of this story, dubbing her the name of "Goddess". The story told of a massive beast emerging from the skies and bringing her to their planet. She would bring things from another time and place and rule their planet. The other part of the legend also said she would marry the most powerful leaders of the planet and make their legeacy live forever. People began to worship and revere her guiding powers for centuries, but no word had come from beyond the stars of her arrival. In time, they began to lose hope....

"Grandfather, when will the Goddess come to grace our prescence?"

A young boy with short golden hair and bright green eyes was sitting down in a circle with his other playmates, listening to the stories of the past. He wore the finest green silkworm clothing, long green pants, and wore no shoes. He was the young prince of the east sector, Viridian. He was one of the many youth who still believed that the Goddess was real and that she would return one day. His father would grimace every time his father told that silly story to him and his friends, but he couldn't help being a curious child by nature.

His grandfather smiled, a twinkle in his deep green eyes. "If you believe Viridian, then maybe she'll pick you to be her husband. You have the kindest, bravest, and purest heart out of any rulers that have come before. Surely that would be enough to capture her attention."

"Why pick Viridian? He would probably bore her!" A lanky boy to the prince's left said, his curly brown hair draping over his eyes. "She should pick a real man like me!"

"Just because your dad is captain of the royal guard doesn't mean that she'll pick you." An emotionless boy said to the right of the prince, blowing his long dark green locks to the side. "She could easily pick me too!"

"Boulder, Emerald, please stop your bickering. Besides, the Goddess only selects leaders, not soldiers!" Grandpa Greene yelled, startling the poor boys. "Viridian has a better chance than you!"

"So do the others apparently! You will have to vy for her attention in the only way you can: with your big heart!" Boulder said, clapping a hand on Viridian's back, sending the poor boy flying. "Who knows, maybe we'll get to see what kind of babies you can get from a jungle dweller that isn't our species!"

Viridian blushed, not wanting to comment on that vulgar statement. He waited until the others left before trekking deep into the jungle to come across the long forgotten statue of the Goddess. He used to visit the site a lot with his grandpa, but his father forbade him from going to focus on his studies to one day rule the land. But he always set aside some time to sneak from the palace to make his way to her statue. He got into a prayer position and closed his eyes.

"Oh great space Godess, please descend from the stars and allow me to be the one you love. I promise I will protect you with my life and when my full powers come in, we shall take over this planet together. No one will be able to hurt you and I will be the only man you love forever."

And so, Viridian trained hard and studied hard for the day of reckoning. His powers over nature increased drastically along with his love for the Goddess. Not only did his love increase for her, but the rest of his kingdom started to acknowledge this love too and even started wishing for her to descend too.

This wouldn't happen for years, until the day of his seventeenth birthday...

End Transmission...

Booting up next transmission from...northern plains.

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