Hot Times At The Hot Springs

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Everyone ready for a new chapter?
Welcome to another chapter everyone.
I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break. The author invited me and the others over for dinner.
Please refrain from letting Corona touch the turkey.
Anyways, let's get started with the chapter. It's time for Corona to shine.
"Will he be alright Frost?"
"I'm not sure. He took a big chunk of energy from that form. He might be out for some time."
"What can I do to help?"
"I think the best thing to do is for you to go to the next kingdom. I will explain to the Prince that you had to leave."
(Y/N) looked down at the Prince who had been unconscious for awhile now. The butler had informed the staff that the king was now dead from a mysterious creature. The doctor immediately got on with healing the prince, using the best treatment to fix his ribs and cuts. Frost was concerned that he would transform again and hurt you. The best thing to do was to send you to the next kingdom.
You had packed up a small bag of books courtesy of Frost who thought you might want to learn more about the world. He arranged a carriage for you to go to the flaming kingdom across the way. He also sent a messager ahead to inform Corona of your arrival. You shot him one last small look of sadness before waving goodbye, worried about the future.
You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice the red eyes flaring at you from the shadows.
"She left the North Kingdom this morning? My plans are going very well."
In a town far from the main kingdoms rested an underground syndicate. From the times when the original goddess still roamed the planet, there were a devote group of followers dedicated to Lilth. The called themselves the Shadowmancers, a race of males that used dark magic granted by Lilth herself. While the other kingdoms had princes that ruled, the Shadowmancers had their own leader as well. He was a tall male with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. He wore black armor with a long flowing purple cape. Across his right eye was a scar that signified his connection to the dark goddess. He bowed in front of the mirror that she was trapped within. 
"What would you like us to do, my lady? If we can kill her while she's vulnerable-"
"Ah my precious Prince Obsidian, you have served me well since you were a babe. But I cannot have you kill this imposter of a goddess. I sense no power within her." Lilth appeared on the mirror, smirking. "But it will be a delight to expose her as the fraud she is. You are going to help me."
Obsidian nodded, rising from his bow. "How may I serve you?" 
"Use those shadow beasts to spy on her, but don't attack her just yet. I want my loyal followers to start using those dark crystals to channel dark energy to ensnare her inside once she sees all the princes. You, my prince, will help me activate those legendary beasts that rest inside those pesky brats and get them on my side."
Obsidian took out his sword and gazed at his reflection. The scar started to glow and burn him slightly, but that was his goddess doing. He felt the darkness seep into his body, making him smile. Her powers were addicting indeed.
"Of course my lady. I will not fail you." He bowed before turning away, his cape flying behind him. "That girl will pay with her blood splattered against the ground!"
"Corona get the guest room prepared!"
"Corona how does my hair look? I want to look my best for the goddess!"
"Corona did you press my favorite shirt? There's no way I am going out to greet that hot woman looking like a slob."
This was a typical day in Corona's life. His father and brothers were constantly asking him to do every mundane task there was under the sun and wearing him out in the process. He had bags underneath his bags, his hair was frazzled, sweat rolled down his face, and he hadn't slept well in days. Waking up to every order from his family didn't help either.
"Honey you look terrible!" Chroma commented, watching him make breakfast. "You look as if you worked the night shift at the Hot Springs and forgot to exfoliate yourself!"
Corona shot him a glare, adding some more chili peppers into his omelet that would scorch his mouth for weeks. Photon snickered and poured some coffee into his mug. 
"Don't worry dear brother. We can show the goddess around while you take a power nap. I'm pretty sure once she sees us, she'll think highly of you!" He said, spooning some sugar into the coffee. 
"Ooh~! I can't wait to show her the best pool in the resort! Seeing her naked body dip into that steamy water-!" Chroma waved a napkin on his face. "Goodness gracious!"
Corona made sure to add extra peppers into both of their omelets as Helios sat down at the table with them. He had combed his hair and wore his best clothes for the occasion. He smiled at his elder sons, then turned to greet his youngest.
"Son, if you aren't feeling well, I will look after the preparations for the welcome party for our guest of honor." He gave him a look of concern. "You just look more tired than usual."
"I'm fine!" Corona snapped, getting a bit irritated at his family. "Don't worry about me! I can handle the preparations, I will greet the goddess, and if anyone even mentions her body again, I will gouge their eyes out!"
His brothers gave him a look of shock along with their father. They had never heard this side of Corona before, being used to his submissive nature. Corona's eyes widen and he covered his mouth. 
"Geez, maybe he does need sleep." Photon said, brushing off his little slip up.
"Try not to have an attitude like that again. You don't look pretty when you snap like that." Chroma snarked, giving him a look of disgust.
"I agree with your brothers. You need to watch that mouth of yours, young man. You may be my heir, but that can be easily changed." Helios warned him.
Corona sighed and went back to cooking. If he didn't keep his anger in control, who knows what might happen?
Corona needs more love.
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