The Prince of Darkness

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*Hey everyone! Are you ready for the next chapter in your big adventure? I know I am! Specially since Luna is back on-line and Solar can finally get back to his actual job. Don't worry, he promises to make a comeback when the story gets finished. Other than that, here we go!*
Greetings everyone, Luna has returned to continue this story! It was great to hear that you missed me so. Oh, I heard Solar did really well last time. Of course he won't admit it, but I am fairly optimistic about his progress. Once he develops emotions, he should be a better communicator! But what are the chances of that happening?
Okay, so last time you got into a wreck on the side of the road courtesy of that imp of a woman. She sent her minion after you to finish the job, but he seemed to have a change of heart. You woke up in his bed and thought you were raped.
Geez, who writes this stuff? Why would anyone think that? Oh wait...I write this stuff.
Besides that, your cinnamon roll of a fire boy turned into his monster form. 
With that all wrapped up nicely, let's begin!
 (Y/n) groaned as she felt her head throbbing from the pain of the carriage crash. It was so random how the thing ran into something big and menacing causing the whole thing to tip over. All she remembered was someone or something loomed over her and then she was carried away. Blinking her eyes open, she saw that she was in a dark and cold place. Looking down, she was wearing a sleeveless black dress and matching slippers. She was also sleeping in a large bed from the soft feeling underneath her. Before she could wonder how she got there, a loud groan came form beside her. Her eyes darted down to see a sleeping male with long black hair sleeping soundly.
Okay, I'm alive, someone dressed me, and there's a male sleeping next to me. This could only mean one thing...
"I'M NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE!" She shrieked, making the male next to her wake up.
"Can you be any louder? It's early in the morning!" The Male groaned, rolling to face her. His red eyes were bloodshot, if that was even possible. He glared at the bewildered expression on her face.
"Well excuse me for thinking I was sleeping peacefully this morning!" (Y/N) looked around the room. "Or is it evening? Hard to tell in this room."
"It's morning, it's because we never get sunshine around these parts." He got up out of bed to reveal his muscular chest and chiseled features. "Nice to see the all mighty goddess keeping such a strong facade in the face of her enemy."
(Y/N) blushed hard as she starting to wave her arms in anger. "WELL IT'S NOT LIKE I ASKED TO BE KIDNAPPED BY SOME WEIRD GUY!"
Onyx scoffed, throwing her a black dress from his closet. "Wear this and no one will be checking you out." He smirked slightly, grabbing a shirt from the closet. "Unless of course you want my entire kingdom to see your nether regions on full display." 
(Y/N) grumbled, tossing a pillow at his smug face. "Shut up! And turn around so that I can get dressed. Even if I'm kidnapped, I don't trust you enough to not see me naked."
"Who do you think undressed you in the first place?" Onyx grumbled, getting a shrill shriek from the female. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "And they wonder why we got rid of females in the first place."
The pair finally had gotten dressed in the span of an hour. (Y/N) had to admit that she never expected to find a kingdom so shrouded in darkness that only the moon was a source of light. The dress she wore was quite revealing, but Onyx explained that they never had females roaming around so these were ancient dresses from before times. She wouldn't say it out loud, but she actually loved it. He walked around the castle, showing her key parts in every area. (Y/N) was mesmerized by the gothic textures in the pillars, the blood red carpet that felt plush to touch, and the portraits of the many kings that came before. What really caught her eyes were how many mirrors hung in every corridor, every bathroom, and even in the library! Why do they have so many mirrors hanging around? Did they have a vanity problem?
She was so intrigued with this concept that she walked right into Onyx without noticing that he'd stopped.
"Here we are, I'm guessing you must be hungry." The prince said, his voice deep and quiet. "I will return you to the kingdom of flames when you are finished eating."
" you're going to let me go?" She raised an eyebrow. "What's the catch? You kidnap me, then dress me, and now feed me? What kind of person does that?"
Onyx turned and shot her a look. "If I wanted to, I would've used my magic to change you into a road or hypnotize you to kill yourself. I have more powers than those pompous pansies you call princes combined. I've had years to perfect my art and unlike the others..." He leaned close to her face, maki g her shrink backwards. "I won't hesitate to kill you."
(Y/N) gulped, feeling and seeing the raw power emanating from the enraged prince. She backed up slightly, fearing for her life the first time ever on this planet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry. I'm just not used to people doing things like this for me. I mean, the only person who has been this kind to me is my best friend."
This made the prince's eyes soften just a bit. He let his rage subside as he thought about himself in this scenario. How frightened he would be if he was in the presence of a child of light or of the four kingdoms. He would feel out of place in a world so bright and full of hope. In fact, when he kidnapped the "goddess" in question, he really did want to fulfill his destiny. But he saw something inside of her that he wanted for himself; hope. There was no such feelings of love and joy down here, only cruelty and malice. Lady Lilth hated any forms of trust and bonds. It was this philosophy that he followed for all his life that she had raised him. But as he pressed that blade against this innocent female's neck, he found himself unable to do so.
"Come on..." He said, taking her delicate hand in his own. "I need to get you back to the surface. Those fools will be missing you if I keep you down here any longer."
"What do you mean surface? Where is this kingdom and why doesn't it come up on the maps?"
Onyx took a deep breath before giving her a sad look. "This is the Kingdom of Shadows, people who worship the Malevolent One, and I am Prince, no, King Onyx. And I am destined to kill you."
Cliffhanger! I can't wait for the next chapter where we go to the Fire Dance, meet those cruel brothers, and see what happened to poor, sweet Corona!

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