Prologue: Meet Corona

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The fiery lakes, the volcanic ashes, and the bubbling molten hot springs. The world of the South is a hot spot for the best weapons and spas this side of the planet. The forge is birdied deep inside the large volcano that resides in the center of the region. The hot fires keep all the residents steamed and tanned. Only the toughest blacksmith can do a twelve hour shift and manage to produce a slew of weapons. The iron, steel, and other precious metals can also make jewelry, pots, and even homes. It was a sight to behold if you could stand the heat.

The most precious thing about this region is the Red Sand Canyons. Red sand could heat water, make red clay, and is used to make fires even brighter. It is mined when heated to make Red Glass in the mines below the thick canyon walls. The sand is traded and sold to the highest bidders. Some are sent to the spas on top of the canyons. The spas have one thing that anyone on the planet could hope to have; Rejuvenating hot springs. It is the purest, sweetest, and most relaxing place on the face of the planet. And the owner of that spa with the only hot spring that can do that is also the chief of the region...


Corona wiped his brow clear of the glistening sweat running down his face. His small frame was tanning by the second. He wore a black apron over his soot covered clothes. In his hands was a large mallet tied with strip steel. The red haired boy was currently tinkering within the hot confides of the Volcanic Forge. As the son of the chief, you would expect him to be like his brothers and work in the family spa. But his purpose was to craft, to shape, and to form new items with his own hands. Ever since he was born, he had a special gift that allowed him not to be burned. His mentor Rouge had dubbed him "Phoenix" because of this ability.

"What are you tinkering over there Phoenix?" Rouge called at him, his giant bearded face smiling at the boy. He had become like a son to him, being the only one able to work the hard twelve hour day with him. From dawn till dusk, he and Corona worked on new weapons, trinkets, and other oddities. The boy looked up to see his teacher and smiled.

"Hold on, let me take it out to show you." Using the tongs, he gently took out two round objects from the blazing inferno. The glow subsided as he dipped them into the red water. Emerging from the water were rings made of rojium, a rare red metal that was as strong as steel. "These are special rings I made for me and my beloved!"

Rouge smiled and ruffled his red hair. "Ohoho! Already thinking of falling in love eh? A boy your age should be thinking of fun and play, but here you are working in a forge! Whoever falls for you must be as tough as iron!"

"That I hope, these rings are binding and will only fit the finger of my love and no one else." Corona vowed, embedding the ring with some markings. He blew on them, cooling them down. "Hopefully, she will love them."

Rouge scratched his beard, confusion etched on his face. "What's this "she" you're talking about?"

Before he could reply, a geyser close by erupted with steam, signalling the end of the work day. Corona pocketed the rings and placed his apron on the wall. Then he grabbed his knapsack and raced up the stairs.

"I'll tell you tomorrow Rouge! I have dinner duty tonight!" Corona yelled, leaving the forge with a stride in his step.

"Pass the salsa please Chroma."

"Here you go Photon. Would you like some more flatbread Corona when you finish cooking?"

"No thanks, besides I can't eat until you all are done."

Helios beamed happily as he watched his sons get along with each other. His eldest Chroma was spreading thick red globs of salsa on his meat portion of the flatbread meal while his middle son Photon poured more red juice into his glass. His youngest was currently in the kitchen slaving over the iron stove, fanning the flames of the blazing hearth. It seemed that Corona was always working to his full potential, even pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion at times, worrying Helios. His other two sons helped at the spa, so he made sure to regulate how much they worked everyday so they get some time to relax. Since he always worked in that blasted forge, it was hard to tell how much he was working!

"Corona, I was thinking..." Helios started to say before his plate of food was placed in front of him. "Maybe you should stop working at the forge. Recently I've noticed you've been coming home with bags under your eyes and muttering nonsensical words!"

"Not only that, but soot ruins your complexion." Photon said, flipping his locks. "You are one of the gorgeous son's of Helios, not some filthy blacksmith!"

"Think rationally about this brother. Too many hours of strenuos work and you'll be more tired!" Chroma fussed, shaking his head. "Besides that, you earn no profit from being an apprentice!"

"But this is my passion! It burns inside of me like a roaring flame that will never extinguish!" Corona said dramatically, wiping his hands off. "I need to be able to provide for her after all."

"The Goddess? Is this what all this is about?" Helios asked, stuffing his face in his son's cooking. "Honestly, do you think she'll want a overachiever like you? Your brothers are more smarter and handsome since they spend time studying and working to beautify themselves. She would look down upon your filthy form and cast you out!"

There was a loud CLANG! as the pot of salsa streamed onto the floor. Corona's eyes were full of tears as he ran out of the kitchen, ignoring the calls his family was giving him. He ran down the hall to the shrine room where he and his brothers set up candles to signify the coming of the Goddess. The large red candle was her of course while the other candles signified them and how small they were to her might. He lite the candle that was supposed to be him and closed his eyes.

"Oh most gracious Goddess, please here my plea! If I could have one wish from you, it would be your hand in marriage! My brothers and father look down upon me for being the hardest worker, but I do it to prove my worth." He looked up with tears running down harder. He took the ring from out of his pocket and placed it around her candle. "It would be my pleasure to call you my beloved when I reach of age. No one in this world or galaxy will ever break us apart."

He fell asleep in the shrine room, the burning incense lulling him to sleep. The red candle stood silent before a small flame sparked all on its own.

End Transmission

Booting up next transmission from...the vast west!

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