Prologue: Meet Borealis

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What can compare to the array of an Aurora Borelias? Where can you get the best tasting snowcones? And who has the best when it comes to fashion? Our research shows the frozen north to have the best in all things fancy and shiny. The frozen tundra may have icy, slick roads, empty caves, and chilled out spots, but the icelanders have the most beautiful kingdom.

The pinacal of it all is the Crystal Palace that towers over the igloo huts of the village square. Inside that castle reigns the ice cold Emperor Celsius and his young son Borealis. The emperor rules with a stone cold heart and a sharp mind. He doesn't have time for simple fairytales or frivolous thoughts. He shut himself and his son inside the castle, only letting the servants tend to their needs and wants.

Borealis received many books from the outside world and read almost all the castle had to offer. He was a very secluded child, never smiling or showing emotion. His father never has time for him at all. His only companion was a young servant that attended to his every need.

"Young master, are you alright?"

It was one if the usual dark and stormy nights. The blizzard-like conditions were due to the emperor's foul-tempered mood. His young son was staring out the massive window placed in the library, where he was surrounded by mammoth piles of books. His albino white hair sparkles in the moonlit glow of the falling snow. His pale skin was cold to the touch, giving off the illusion of him being dead. He wore a grey sweater with jeans and cozy socks. It was one of those rare days when he didn't have to be a prince and fake his emotions. His servant friend wore a grey suit with a white tie and gloves.

"Frost, you are ruining my day off." He said in a silent, but cold voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Forgive me young master, but it would appear that you have read every book in this library." The servant smiled at his master. "I managed to bring you a book that isn't from our region at all! I bought it off the trade market for a cheap price and thought you might like it."

"Like a book from one of our filthy neighbor countries? Is it worth the read?" Borealis asked, his eyes narrowed at the leather bound book. "Probably some study book with no pictures like my father has."

"Actually, this is a delightful tale of a beautiful species called a female. Apparently they are the goddess of this world that will bring upon a new age of humanity." He placed the book on his desk. "You might be interested in this religion."

With that, Frost left the room. Borealis rolled his eyes, but opened the leather book. Almost immediately his sense were assaulted with the various pictures depicting the anatomy of the female body and the various pictures of skimpy clothing they always wore. He placed his fingers on the long hairs that protruded from their heads. His eyes gazes longing and lovingly at the Goddess from the Stars. His face twitched a bit, cracking his icy facade on his face. The book was mostly pictures, but at the end of the book was a page detailing the arrival of her grace.

From the skies she will appear inside the hollow form of a metal beast. In order for her to show her full beauty, one must be sharp as mind to break the spell over the dastardly beast. Once broken, she will fall in love with the first one whom she sees.

"Love at first sight? I thought it was a myth!" He murmured, feeling something thumping inside his chest. Was it the concept of the heart he had read in his science book? All other humans had one, but his father said his was non-existent! But here he was, thinking of the Goddess as his heart finally started beating once more with feeling!

He fell over to the ground, a new sensation overcoming his body. He had to get ready for her arrival in a few years! There was no time to waste after all!

He ran down the cold and unforgiving hallways of the palace to inform his father, busting down the doors to his throne room. The long silver hair of his father was shrouded under a long white cloak.

"Father, I have made the most wonderful discovery!" He exclaimed loudly, waving the book back and forth. "A Goddess is coming to the planet in a few years and she's going to bring about a new golden age for our kingdom if she chooses me to be her husband! Isn't that grand?"

"Foolish child of mine! Who dared to give you that book!? I made sure that every copy of that heinous book be banned from every library in our country in order to prevent the people from revolting or having false hope in some silly prophecy!" His father exclaimed, slamming his fist hard on the throne. "You should not have read that book! Now you too will start to have a sense of purpose in the future!"

The air around Borealis started to chill him to the core! Before he could do anything to stop his father, his entire body became encased with ice!

"It was foolish of me to let him read all those books. I'll have to start over with him once he matures enough." Celsius grumbled, sending his own son down into the icy depths of the castle. "Perhaps he will learn that not even a Goddess can save him from my cold grip."

Poor Borealis stood frozen for years in his father's ice prison, time passing around him and the rest of the world. The country was lead to believe he was shipped off to another sector of the frozen north. Emperor Celsius made sure his entire library was burned and got rid of the book that gave his son hope. Even inside the ice block though, Borealis dreamed of the Goddess and his life when she came to rescue him. He pictured her warm, sunny face smiling upon him as her love would melt his heart...

Seventeen years will pass before that moment though...

End transmission

Booting up next transmission from...the volcanic canyons.

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