SkyWay To The Trees

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*Time for a split in the story where you are partnered with each boy and have a chance to learn more about them! Take each chapter with the boys lightly, they are budding yanderes.*
Transmission found...
Begin Flashback...

"This place could be ours Eve! All you have to do is choose me!"
The place was beautiful and bountiful with life. The east sector seemed to have it's own charm to it! Eve enjoyed the large trees she could climb up and survey the land. The feeling of the grass on her feet when she walks to the river. The sensation of mud between her toes was divine! And the flowers seem to grow everywhere! Tasting the sweet nectar of a honeysuckle, stuffing lavender inside her pockets, and getting to wear a daisy crown always made her day. This prince was charming and the only one who had feelings that could be reciprocated if needed, but she couldn't stay on this planet anymore. She wanted adventure somewhere else in the galaxy. Studying the books in the chapel library, she planned on making her own ship off this rock and heading out to see what the galaxy has to give.
"Gee Terran, I really wish I could, but I have other places to visit in the galaxy! I want to find myself in this universe and I feel as if being here is preventing me from finding my purpose on life." She held his soft hands in hers, smiling gently. "As much as I want to stay, I have to leave. Besides, who knows if my parents are still out there waiting for me to return home? They must be worried sick!"
"Your parents? Goddesses have parents?" Terran asked, his face full of confusion. "But do you truly feel like leaving?"
Eve nodded, her eyes determined. "It's the only way to get rid of this sinking feeling my chest. I think there's more than meets the eye here."
Transmission recovered...
A little advice...not all things are nice in paradise...
"(Y/N)! You've returned to us!"
Viridian hugged you tightly, making you lose some air as he did so. Corona's hair was sopping wet, but he looked fine. Borealis raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't voice his opinion. Westar looked angry at him, probably still bitter about not being chosen.
" let her go hippie before you get charged with accidentally murdering her." Westar split you two up, using his wind powers to dry you up. "So explain to us what happened again?"
"There was something in the water when I entered it. It looked humanoid, but had gills and fins! I wanted to say something, but I was too surprised at the fact that I wasn't alone!" You shivered, feeling uneasy about it all. "Corona managed to get me out before I drowned completely, but that doesn't erase what I saw in there!" 
"Well you are safe now." Viridian said, placing hands on your shoulder. "Thanks to Corona, we have you back on land where it's safe." 
Corona blushed and turned away. "It was no big deal." He murmured, hating to be part of the spotlight.
"Regardless, now It's time for the Goddess to live with us in our respective kingdoms." Borealis opened the book he had been reading. "As per tradition, she must accompany us back to our respective kingdoms to learn about our customs and lifestyles. I'd suggest (Y/N) go with Viridian first."
"Eh? Why should she go with hippie, pretty boy?" Westar replied angrily, waving his arms in protest.
"Because Viridian is the most easiest and laid back of the group. His personality makes it easier for people to get attracted to him and more comfortable in a new environment." Though deep in his heart, Borealis hoped to be the first one to take him to his home. His father wouldn't approve, but he would make him understand. After being frozen for most of his life, he wanted to feel the warmth that only a divine being could give. But he had waited long enough for her, he could hold off a bit more.
"I agree with Borealis. This gives us enough time to gather our thoughts on how to woo (Y/N) over. Viridian has no time to prepare!" Corona piped up happily, smiling softly. "Plus we can harness our powers too!"
Westar took a moment to consider this and grinned. "You have a point there flame head! So glad that we have you to figure things out for us!" 
"Yay! I have the Goddess to bring home!" Virdian cheered, hopping up and down. "You are going to love it there! My father and best friends are going to call you a gem!" 
"I'm excited to meet them!" You said, your smile a bit forced. "When do we leave?" 
"Why wait?" He grabbed her by the hand and ran out of the sacred grounds. "This is going to be awesome!"
The ride to the Eastern continent was eventful to say the least. (Y/N) found herself fully emersed in the skyline as they traveled by what Viridian called a skyway system. A pulley connected the cart they were residing inside and carried them along a wire to the treetops of the village. The green haired boy explained that they lived in the trees to prevent ruining the ground below. They lived in a jungle ecosystem right next door to a meadow. This fascinated the girl as she had never even been to Terra before it was ruined to see a valley or forest. This planet was untouched by technology and pollution that all the beauty was preserved for her to see.
"Oh where are my manners?" He gestured towards the other gentleman sitting besides him. His dark green locks was in a ponytail and he wore green robes that covered his arms. A staff was in his left hand. "This is my dearest and oldest friend Emerald! He acts as my advisor and second in command if I'm not around."
Emerald turned his eyes towards the girl and smiled at her. "A pleasure to meet you, my goddess. I have awaited the chance to grace your presence."
"Nice to meet you as well Emerald! I hope we get to be good friends. I also can't wait to see a few meadows and forest while here!" You smiled, picturing all those fields of freshly picked flowers.
Emerald brought the prince close to him and blushed. "I believe that she is too pure for this world or any other for the matter. You must keep an eye on the other suitors and make sure she picks you."
"Dully noted, old friend. I'll make sure she knows that roses have thorns!" Viridian chuckled, watching you stare out the window.
Warning, immense power coming 
Beware of the nature lover 

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