Old Town Woes

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*Hello readers, the time for Westar has come! Who's ready for the Wild, Wild, West? I know I am! So enough with my ramblings and let's get along with the story!*
Greetings everyone, Luna the A.I is here to give the latest updates.
In Planetary News, a search party has been sent out to find the remains of the exploration that has been out for months now. The parents of (Y/N) (L/N) and Scorpio Vintax are worried sick. The Leaders of the Galactic Alliance have put their resources together to find them. Nothing new has arisen, but they remain hopeful to at least find the crew and bring them back safely.
In Sports News, Mars' Red Devils are winning in AstroBall, leading the planet to the finals to face Planet X's Comet Chasers. It has been a tough season for them, but they managed to squeak a win by defeating the Neptune Flying Fishes! Here's to their victory to the undefeated Devils!
In Celebrity News, Soleanna has been chosen to host this year's Milky Way Movie Awards! The Kingdom of the Sun has never hosted these before, but the stars have aligned greatly for them. Some of the movies that might win the prized picture award include "Dude, That's My Alien", "Remembering Marianne", and the documentary film "The Fall of Terra".
Sis, I hate to break your news coverage, but the readers want to read an actual story, not listen to your gossip.
Oops! My mistake, didn't mean to ramble on like that! Well let me upload the transmission and get this story rolling.
Good to see you back on track.
Thanks Solar!
How did you end up in another situation like this? Well at least you were out of the trunk and away from that creepy giggling girl. Now you were in more ropes, blindfolded, and had a gag in your mouth. You could feel two hands on both your arms, dragging you through what felt like sand underneath your feet. The smell of alchohol, dirt, and body odor filled your nostrils, making you gag. Wherever you were, it sure did stink! The sound of a door opening caught your ears, now being dragged across a wooden floor instead. Before you could process what was going on, you were thrown to the floor. 
"Hey! Easy with my bride there. I wouldn't want the little missy to be roughed up too much. Damaged goods are a terrible thing to waste."
The drawl sounded almost Martian, knowing the distinct accent from the red planet. Finally, someone took of the blindfold to show you the face of your captors. Had it been any other situation, you would've taken out your blaster and shot all the men who gave you a perverse look in the room. But since your hands were tied, you had no weapon, and you were exhausted, not much you can do with nothing. The head honcho was sitting at the head of the tavern on a large throne, leaning on his hand in a chill manner. 
"Hello lil missy, my name is Westar. You probably don't remember me due to hanging around those other princes." He got up and leaned down in front of her, placing a finger under your chin. "But since you haven't had time to play with me, I think this is the perfect time for us to get acquainted with each other."
You spat on his face, not caring if you made him mad. "Spare me that act, I want to know why you kidnapped me, stuffed me in a trunk-"
Westar gripped your cheeks tightly, a forced smile on his face. "Is this the thanks I get for saving your keister? Keep talking like that to me and you'll see how bad I can be." He let go, massaging your cheeks as he did. "I think it's time for us to get acquainted with each other. Let me take you to my favorite spot this side of the country." He stood up, pointing his gun at the gang. "If I catch any of y'all on my property or touching my Goddess, I'll shoot you dead like the yellow bellied rats you are. Understand?"
The gang grunted, not happy to be denied of the only woman they've seen since forever. Too long have some of them felt the pleasure and satisfaction of a woman and one just happens to be kidnapped only for the prince. Some of the older generation glared at the younger for even glancing at her beauty. It was clear to you that you would have to survive the night here without any repercussion.
From the corner, Westar's father caped off his spot of whiskey and smiled at his son's authority.
"Atta boy, show em who's boss. That would be me, but your doing so well." He whispered under his breath, watching his son practically drag the poor girl out the tavern.
Scorpio wiped the sweat off his brow as he lead the expedition along the desert. They had left the jungle just a day ago and were now making their way across the sandy ground. Eve floated above them, using her body as a shield from the harsh sun while Comet fiddled with her tracking device. Nova was looking around, trying to find a way to escape Scorpio or arrest him for his act against her yesterday. She was still shakened from the ordeal, not making eye contact with the boy out of spite. 
"Well I think I got it working properly again." Comet said, whacking the device a few times with her hand. "But I'm surprised at the results. Apparently, it says that (Y/N) is in the desert somewhere. Now how in the world did she get here?"
"That also would imply that she's closeby! Oh I knew we would cross paths again!" Scorpio finally let out the sigh he held deep in his heart as he jumped in the air. He would get to see your shining face after all this time. When he would see you again, he planned on hugging you tightly and never letting go. Not only that, he was going to confess his feelings towards you, hoping(and praying) that you would return them. Eve smiled gently as she watched him do a small dance with Dr. Comet, wondering who this mysterious man was. He seemed like a sweet gentleman compared to the ones that killed her.
"I'm so excited to meet her! Your going to have to introduce me to her when we get there." Eve said, getting herself excited as well.
"Oh you'll love her Eve! She's funny, cute, smart, and all-around nice. When I tell her what happened to you, she'll want to help too!" He told her, making Eve laugh at his antics.
Nova sighed, but nonetheless smiled to herself at the prospect of (Y/N) being alive. "While it is great that Cadet (Y/N) is alive, least we not forget about this mission of ours too." 
Scorpio stopped his dancing, giving Nova a puzzled look. "Why bring that up now? We've seen what this planet has to offer and we nearly lost one of our own thanks to it."
"Even so," She started to say while looking at her crew. "Our mission comes first, the reason why we're here shouldn't have to be that hard!" 
Comet shook her head. "Humanity can be really screwed up. To think the reason why we're on this mission....
Is to find new planets and terraform them.
The purpose of the mission has been revealed along with the appearance of Westar! Will the crew find (Y/N) and get her off the planet? Or will Lilith have other plans? 
Hey everybody, the story is at its halfway point! Shall we do another Q&A session?

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