Discovery Planet

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*The cute picture is of Dr. Comet, your resident scientist and best mom friend! Your yanderes better not mess with you if she's in the room! Enjoy the chapter!
Booting Transmission...
Playback mission....starting recall...


Dr. Comet's Log, haven't done one in awhile. So...I'm the only one awake on the ship at the moment so I might as well do it for the crew. Captain Nova had (Y/N) drive the ship and then she crashed it onto this unknown planet. The atmosphere is breathable, the plant life is lush, and it doesn't seem like it's inhabited by anyone. Intelligent life is so hard to find nowadays. I usually study planets with no life so I can get the micro-organisms a run for their money! But as you know, microbes can't talk. Since I am the only one not injured, I may as well attend to the ones that are.


"Thanks Dr. Comet, that landing was...unexpected." Captain Nova said, shifting the cast on her arm. An injured arm wasn't going to keep her from the mission though as the captain was used to this sort of thing happening. "Are (Y/N) and Scorpio faring well?"
"They will survive, you got the worst of it. All those two got was a bruises, scratches, and (Y/N)'s forehead was slightly bleeding. She needed a few stitches." Comet relayed, placing all this on her medical tablet. "Besides all this, we have landed on the closest planet from the warp. I haven't found any traces of life on my radar."
"Ugh my head...where the heck have we landed?" Scorpio groaned, leaning up from his chair. "Why am I tied down like a hood ornament? And is (Y/N) alright?! Did she manage to land the ship?" He looked around frantically, trying to locate your body. He wouldn't outright admit it,(He was certain that Comet knew), but he had a somewhat attraction towards the young cadet. They basically graduated from the same lunar class and joined the program at the same time. While she was oblivious of the attraction, he continued to support and help her. 
"Calm down Scorpio, Miss (Y/N) is resting soundly on the recovery table. She was only injured on the head, and may have a minor concussion. Nothing a bit of bed rest won't fix." Comet said, calming the younger gentleman down. She patted his back in a soothing motion. "Rest assured, I will find a way back to the Milky Way Galaxy as soon as we chart this unknown planet. Being in a new star system does have it's perks after all." 
"We should go out and find if there's any form of life on this planet. I don't trust a scanner unless real bodies have had a chance to search." Nova said, gathering the spacesuits. "Since the atmosphere is similar to Earth's, we can conclude that we won't be needing our helmets. Our suits should protect us from the harsh climates if necessary!"
"What about (Y/N)? She'll be unprotected!" Scorpio worried, fiddling to put his suit on. The body suit hugged against his sides and inflated softly before puffing down. "Maybe I should stay behind!"
"Leave an unguarded woman with a pubescent emotional young male? I think not! You are coming with us!" Comet got her suit on and stretched. "We could use the muscles in case we are attacked. And not to worry about your lady crush, she'll be guarded by the ship! The security system is top notch!"
Nova smiled at Scorpio. "See? She'll be fine. Now let's go exploring and when we come back, she'll probably be awake and rested." 
Comet walked to the table and placed a hand on your forehead. Brushing a strand of (h/c) hair from your bandaged head, she placed a pillow behind it to make the bed more comfortable. Then she placed a (f/c) blanket to prevent you from getting cold. "Get some sleep and I promise to bring you back something nice." With a nod, she opened the hatch door and let herself and Nova out. Scorpio hesitated, but nevertheless left with his captain and scientist, sparing one last glance back at your sleeping form before closing the door. If only he had stayed behind to watch over you...

........................................................................................................................................................ forms detected!
High energy power circulating their bodies. 
Evacuate immediately! Do not engage!
"Have you found the disturbance, flower child? I think your nature powers are on the fritz!"
"I can't concentrate with a certain desert hopper talking in my ears! I'm talking to the greenery to find out where the Goddess is lying."
"I can't believe this is happening! We are actually going to meet the almighty creator of the planet! I hope she is a benevolent celestial."
"I agree with you, for the sake of the planet she better be."
The four princes were walking through the dark forest, staying close with each other in hopes of finding the girl of their dreams. After hearing from the Grand Priest that she had finally arrived on the planet for the first time in centuries, they eagerly went ahead of the search party to meet her. They hadn't been this excited in their whole lives, each one waiting for their chance to be her betrothed. Viridian had his eyes closed, his hands fleeing green as he spoke with the voice of nature. Now that his powers had been boosted, he was making the most of them tracking down the metal beast of legend. The others followed him, all of them knowing about how the east knew how to hunt. Borealis made the air a bit cold as his patience wore thin. Corona fumbled a bit with his fire power, amazed at the simple flame he'd summoned from his fingertips. Westar chose to pester Viridian, using his new air powers to annoy the Mage. 
"How much longer must we travel? The sun is starting to set and we have a banquet to attend!" Borealis snapped, his eyes narrowed. "Tell me you know where you're going?" 
Viridian glowered at him, eyes opened with irritation. "If I told you that it takes time tracking metals down, you would've come along. I'm doing the best I can to find our Goddess, but she is hidden within a mighty beast." He closed his eyes again to gain the power back. "Now would you be so kindly to shut up and let me work my magic?"
"I wonder if we'll have to fight this thing!" Westar pounded his fist together, giddy for a fight. "I wanna practice my new powers on it!"
"Or maybe we can negotiate with it? We don't need to have conflict with it!" Corona interjected, his ring glowing bright on his finger. "And besides, if we fight it, won't we be hurting the precious cargo on the inside?"
This made sense to the others, realization hitting them in the face. If they did attack the beast, it could harm their girl! There was silence for the rest of the trip, with them all contemplating on how to make do of the situation. Viridian gasped, getting a tugging feeling from his heart. The others felt it too as they ran into a clearing of the forest. There, in the glistening sunset, was a giant metal beast with large eyes, stilted legs, and a long tail and nose. It was silver and red, three sets of antenna on the top of its head. A loud humming noise came from it, each hum growing louder in a roar. The boys back away in fear, the beast was larger than they had anticipated.
"O-O-Okay how should w-w-we attack it?" Corona stuttered, his arms shaking. 
"We have powers men, I suggest we use them." Borealis said with confidence, summoning a flurry of snow. "Aim to damage, not kill least we injure the Goddess."
"Yeah! Now that's a plan I can go by!" Westar shouted, brandishing his guns. "Extra air and bullets to rain? She better be frickin gorgeous or else this would be a waste!"
"Even if she wasn't, I'd still love her." Viridian said, flicking his hands to summon a grassy whip. "Beauty is only skin-deep. If you judge her based on looks alone, you have no chance to court her."
"Shut it hippie and get ready for a real fight! Must be pretty difficult since you have no idea what to do!"
The four of them nodded before charging to face their greatest foe.


Transmission lost....
To Be Continued....

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