Moving to the city

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Nya P.O.V
"Ugh Ma why did we have to move to ninjago city" Nya wined
"I told you dear times are tough and me and your father need to make money somehow." Maya said
"Nya, atleast we are going to a new highschool tomorrow." Kai said sarcastically.
"Wait WHAT!? We have school TOMORROW!?" Nya yelled.
"Yes dear which is why we are only setting up our bedrooms today because you need your rest." Maya said in a happy tone of voice.
Rey (Nya and Kais father) put up a picture on a wall.
"Hey dad who is that on your picture?" Kai asks
"Oh just an old friend and your new principal which means you'll be getting 'special help'." Rey laughs.

Nya sighs
"Nya you'll be alright. You just don't like being gussied up." Kai said poking fun at his sister
"Hey!" Nya yelled

"Both of you off to bed now. You have a very busy day tomorrow, you'll find all of your clothing in your wardrobes." Rey stated to his children.
"OK dad." Kai and Nya say in unison as they head off upstairs to bed.

"I wonder if I'll finally make friends tomorrow and not just be sitting in the shadow of my brother." Nya thinks to herself. "I guess we'll find out tomorrow in school."

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