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"You mean my best friend Lloyd?" Cole asks "Blonde hair green eyes."

Nya P.O.V

"Yes I do, why are you so surprised?" I ask.
"I just thought he would have been in the office." Cole says
"Why there?" I ask
"He's just always there, you know avoiding the crowds." Cole explains
"Why is he avoiding crowds?" I ask
"Because he is related to the royal family of ninjago therefore he is quite rich." Cole says
"WHAT!?" Nya shouts "Wait so he's royalty!?"
"Shh, dont say it so loud and yeah he is, if you want we can meet with him after school and he can explain to you two." Cole suggests

Lloyd P.O.V
I walk outside of School only to see Cole, Jay, Zane, PIXAL, Skylor and is that Nya. I'm happy to see she made friends with those two.
"Hey guys, hey Nya and is this your brother?" I ask
"Hey Lloyd and yes it is."
Nya says.
"Hey bud, look Nya had some questions, if that's OK with you?" Cole asks
"Yeah sure, what questions do you have Nya?" I ask
"Oh right, is it true that your rich and related to the royal family of Ninjago?" Nya asks
"Well technically Shintaro but the Palace of Ninjagos royal family is part of the Palace up there," I say "you see I grew up there in that Palace until I turned 6 then my father went to go live in the city, though I can't complain I like it here in the city. And there are two royal families though located in the same area, there are King Vangelis as the king of Shintaro and the first Spinjitzu master as the king of ninjago." I explain
"Well that was alot also why are you always in the office?" Nya asks
"Oh because my father is the principal and there are no people crowding me in the office. But please Kai, Nya don't tell anyone of these secrets if others knew I would fear for my family." I plead
"Don't worry Lloyd we won't tell anyone." Kai says
"Thanks say would guys like to go round my house in a few days, unfortunately it won't be the Palace since we no longer live there."
"Sure we're down." They all say in unison

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