The Infection...

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Kai P.O.V
Lloyd has returned for a while now. Lloyd has been acting different lately, I'm unable to explain but he just is, more edgy and quite honestly smarter, more suitable of the leader role. He has returned to the role of the green ninja even though his power is no longer green, and Nya is getting so much better with her powers.

"Ninja, come to the underground base." Master Wu says on the coms. I arrive to see everyone else there.
"Everyone, now everyone knows that I'm acting different and it's because I'm worried, the overlord has returned and with him brought his infection." Lloyd says
"What infection?" I ask
"The dread, an infection that locks you in your deepest fears. Only my grandfather could free people from the infection but now he's gone, so we need to find another way." Lloyd says
"Wait, the overlord? Like the Crystal King, the dark Lord and etc?" Zane asks
"Yes." Lloyd says bluntly
"Then I fear Ninjago is in grave danger the last time he was let loose he almost destroyed Ninjago." Zane says
"Your kidding right." Nya asks but gets no response
"How has he returned?" PIX asks
"The build up of Oni power in Ninjago, he thrives on it." Wu says
"And since I had discovered my Oni side, it was the last thing keeping him at bay." Lloyd says
"This is not your fault, Lloyd." Zane says
"I know. But that doesn't change anything that is happening." Lloyd says
"Hm, the infection spreads through the mind but it could harness and steal elemental powers to bring back the overlord." Master Wu says
"So we shouldn't let the infection get to us." I say
"Correct, if it did we would be rendered useless if it did." Zane says

I wakeup to see two strange men, one a ghostly figure and the other had grey skin.
"Shade, Lord Garmadon was right. A true multiversal threat and the Kings assistant," The ghost says "Apologies we did not introduce ourselves. I am Morro, and this is Shade. You are Void, an entity from outside the multiverse and The Overlords right hand man."
"Ah, why have I been summoned?" I ask
"To resurrect our master The Crystal King." Shade says
"The dark island, I know our first step, we need the stone army then spread the infection to Ninjago city. The infection will get to the elemental masters and will steal their power and we will use that to resurrect the overlord." I say as we all laugh.

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