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Lloyd P.O.V
On Saturday I go out to the park where my friends told me to meet up with them. I see them and shout.
"Hey Lloyd" they all say except Nya who seems to be in deep thought.
"Is Nya ok?" I ask
"Yeah she just has more questions about your heritage, look at you looking out for her." Kai says smirk
"Wha- no- I- jus-" I try mumbling out words
"Hey Lloyd I have a question." Nya said
"Sure ask away." I say
"First which side of the royal family are you on and second are there more royal families?" Nya asks as we begin walking to my house
"To the first question, the First Spinjitzu Master's side. King Vangelis's children are princess Vania and Princess Harumi, though harumi was adopted. To the second question, yes there is the royal family of merlopia and the royal family of the cloud Kingdom." I explain to nya
"Wow" they all say
"And we're here." I say

Cole P.O.V

Lloyd scans his eye in the eye scanner and the gate unlocks. Inside the front garden there was a large fountain and perfectly trimmed hedges, Misako must be really good at this I thought. Lloyd opens the front door with a key, we go into the kitchen where we see Lloyd's mother Misako baking, is that CAKE!?
"Oh hello you lot, Cole I'm sure you noticed I'm baking a caked because I know you love it," Misako says "and you must be Nya Lloyd tells me alot about you." Misako says giggling
"Mum!" Lloyd says clearly agitated
"Sorry dear, Lloyd why don't you show your friends round the house?" Misako asks Lloyd
"Sure, come on guys." Lloyd says to us. On the first floor there is a kitchen, a living room, a toilet, a dining room and a library.
On the second floor there was a bathroom, two spare bedrooms, Lloyd's bedroom and a training room. (no clue why Lloyd or hid parents would need that though)
On the third floor was 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom.
"So that's my house, say, would you guys like to sleep over?" Lloyd asks
"Sure but we'll have to ring our parents and get our stuff." Kai says
"Same." we all say
"OK you guys ask your parents and if they say yes tell me when your ready and I'll come and get you." Lloyd says
"I can go anyway, my dad's away on tour and I dont have a mum anymore so I can go." I say
"Ok get your stuff and I'll see you guys later." Lloyd says

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