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Lloyd P.O.V
I wake up to see all the Ninja including Harumi, Vania, Dad, The First Spinjitzu master and Uncle Vangelis.
"What happened?" I ask weakly
"We lost." Cole says
"Are Nya and Jay okay?" I ask
"I'm fine but Jay hasn't moved since we left." Nya says
"Why do I feel so different?" I ask
"Your power has vanished." My dad said
"Can you get up?" Vania asks
"Yes." I say getting up
"That's a start, there's hope." Cole says
"There is no hope," Zane says "Jay, Nya and Lloyd's powers are on the fritz and there is nothing we can do to help."
"We can still win. POWERS OR NO POWERS!" I say
"Lloyd, he has Wojira on his side now, at any moment he could kill us all." Kai says
"He's right." Zane says
"Grandfather, I'd there any way we can win?" I ask my grandfather
"Yes, but it could also decrease our odds if not done properly." He says
"Well what do we have to lose, what is it." I say
"You must take part in the final battle against Wojira and let your Oni and Dragon align with eachother." He says
"Fine that's what we're doing," I say "then I guess we're waiting."

Hours later...
"Hey Lloyd, are you okay?" Nya asks me
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, just thinking." I say
"About what?" She asks
"Just my brother, Wojira, the Vetermentarions-" I get cut off
"What are Vetermentarions?" Nya asks
"Vetermentarions? The army my grandfather commanded when the great war of Dark and Light was in fruition." I explain
"Why are you thinking about that?" She asks
"Because- look i don't know but I keep seeing them in my dreams." I say
"There's something more than that, isn't there." She says
"Yes there is- I feel like I dragged you and the others into this. You, me and Jay have now lost our powers, we don't even know if Jay will survive. Zane thinks to much before acting, Cole can barely use his powers, Kai is a hot head and thinks to less before action, Skylor can only use others powers and PIXAL  has no elemental powers so has little chance against Wojira and-" I get cut off again
"So our team us in shambles, it doesn't mean we give up on it," Nya says "come on, it dinner time, let's go see the other Ninja."

During dinner

"Zane, how is Jay?" I ask
"Not well, there is no response to anything we do." Zane replies
"Great, so we're down one Ninja and 3 powers, GREAT!" I say losing my temper
"Lloyd we still have a chance." Cole says
"How? with what my grandfather said. Sure he's old and wise but he's also slightly crazy Cole. How do we know the Oni and Dragon are real?" I say
"Well the Oni and Dragon are considered mythical beings, besides the Dragon which we have got evidence of its existence. Oni have never been seen in Ninjago." Zane says
"Exactly, my grandfather is a crazed lunatic that some how has the capability to rule an entire realm by himself." I say
I then see Harumi help someone walk into the room, thats Jay.
"Guys your okay." Jay says
"Good to see you too." Jay says
"Lloyd, Nya, are you two okay?" Harumi asks
"Mentally, yes, physically, no." Nya says
"That's good, and Lloyd our grandfather isn't that crazy." Harumi says
"O-oh you heard that." I say
"Yup-" She gets cut off by a roar and our phones telling us to evacuate the city.
"Brother, he's here, get ready guys." I say
This could be the end. Atleast I'm with my friends and those who stick by me.

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