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Nya P.O.V
It had been 2 weeks since Lloyd's demise and we weren't doing to well. Zane and PIX have been working constantly, Skylor came back to comfort Kai and me, Wu and Garmadon haven't been seen since, Jay and Cole are the only ones trying to remain normal though they are still grieving especially Cole.
I've rarely left my room, crying myself to sleep most nights, occasionally having to sleep in my brothers room cause I was scared.
Me and Harumi have really gotten close, she would comfort me when I had no one to talk to. I had still been trying to figure out what Lloyd had done to- or give to me. All I know is that my eyes turned green after he did it.
Lloyds funeral is in a few days and I'm really not looking forward to it. Its the feeling of letting go is what scares me. And when he said that he'd always be with me still sticks with me.
"Ninja report to the secret base." Zane says on the coms
"Now as we all know, Morro and Shade had escaped. They both have been recently spotted on a boat going to an island that is not recorded on any map." Zane says "We are all going to stop them."
"But i-" I get cutoff
"ALL of us." Zane says
"Come on Sis atleast we've got Lloyd's funera-" Kai said
"DONT SAY THAT I DONT WANNA HEAR IT!" I yell my hands glowing green
"Nya, calm down Kai did not mean it. RIGHT Kai."
"Yea, right sorry." Kai said looking down.
"Nya, we all miss Lloyd, It's hard on all of us. We're all dealing with alot." Cole says trying to reason with me
"I don't care." I say

I've been watching over the Ninja, but I can't remember for how long. Everyday feels like a week here, and it feels like I rarely remember things. I've seen the struggle the cyan one has gone through. She seems- familiar, like I know her personally. I can no longer remember my name, only those adventures- were they mine? Was that my life? Have I always been like this? Just then I see someone who looks like me. But without colour. Turning this world from grass land and sky to a pure black abyss.
"Who are you?" I ask
"I could ask you the same question."
"I don't know who I am." I say
"I, am Void."
"Void?" I ponder on the name
"The living manifestation of the dark, the negative energy of the multiverse flows through me." Void says
"Are you a nice person?" I ask innocently
"That is your decision." He says. I look back at the Ninja, that's when the white one looks at me as if he knows I'm there...

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