Friend or Foe

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Jay P.O.V
Me and the remaining ninja were chilling in the living room discussing when Master Wu barged in.
"KAI HAS BEEN FOUND!" Master Wu yelled excitedly
"Where is he-" Cole gets cut off
"In town." Lloyd buts in
"How did you-" I try to say
"I can sense the overlords presence." Lloyd says
"MY BROTHER ISNT-" Nya blurts out in anger
"I know but he is being manipulated him." Lloyd says

Later at the town

We see Kai shooting fire all over the place with a golden Crystal attached to his mask.
"Nya- AGH!" Kai held his head
"Kai are you-" Nya tries to ask but Kai shoots fire at her knocking her back
"KAI NO!" Zane shouts
"Nya!" Lloyd yells worried. All of us besides Lloyd and Nya attach Kai attempting to snap him out of it.
"Kai! Snap out of it! This isn't you!" Zane attempts to convince
"Oh but this is me Zane, just submit to the Overlord and this'll be easier on us both." Kai says without emotion
"Enough of this!" Kai yells as a giant burst of fire knocks all the Ninja backward.
"GUYS! I- NO- YOU'VE FELL TO FAR!" Lloyd yells his eyes turning purple
"YOUR A MONSTER! THE OVERLORD HAS RUINED YOU!" Lloyd yells in pure hatred
"HAHAHA! NO! YOUR GRANDFATHER HAS RUINED YOU! YOUR TO SOFT!" Kai chuckles as Lloyd lunges at Kai. Kai dodges his attack then shoots purple fire at Lloyd, Lloyd yells in pain as a mix between Oni and Dragon form emerges on Lloyd vessel
"NOW I WILL MAKE SURE YOU CANNOT HARM ANYONE ELSE!" Lloyd yells as Kai eyes turn back to normal. Lloyd looks at Kai then at his hands, Lloyd turns back into his normal form and dissapears.

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