We only lose when we choose to

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LG (Lord Garmadon) P.O.V
Me, Shade and Morro teleport back to the temple in the tartarus trench.
"What do you want from us?" The blue ninja said weakly
"To re awaken the sleeper, the destructor of the realms." I reply
"Shade, kindly hook then up to the machine!" I say as Shade hooks them up to the machine.
"NO! You won't win! Lloyd will stop you!" The girl shouts
"And if he does how do you think he will win against three of us." I say as we all start laughing at them.
"You may think that but he always wins." The girl says
"What, when he's beaming with rage!" I argue back

Nya P.O.V
LG turns on the machine as I begin to feel energy drain from me.
"AHH!" Me and Jay scream in pain. That's when I see little ripples appear around Wojiras body, I saw Lloyd and the other ninja. Lloyd punching a wall while crying, Kai in a fight club, Cole as a lumber jack and Zane working with Skylor and PIXAL  but not showing emotion. But then I hear something.
"BY ORDER OF THE KINGDOM OF MERLOPIA STOP WHAT YOUR DOING AT ONCE!" I hear though they show no feeling towards it. But then I see the door fly open.
"BROTHER THIS ENDS NOW!" Lloyd shouts as him and the other ninja run inside.
"It certainly does Lloyd, I missed you!" LG shouts back. Kai hits Shade with his katana as the others try to fight Morro.
Lloyd and LG's swords clash. Lloyd's eyes turn a bright purple as Lloyd pushes LG catching him off guard then fly kicking him. They then run at each other, LG blocks his sword and Lloyd jumps on to his sword and pushes himself upwards and does spinjitzu.
"AFFIRMATIVE!" Zane replies
"AHHHH!" Jay screams
Zane unties us although Jay just falls to the ground.
"JAY!" Lloyd shouts blasting LG across the room. But then we hear a growl and then the room glows light blue and we see an eye open.
"YES! My master has arrived." LG says smiling
"Retreat!" Skylor yells as we all run except Lloyd
"Ya'll run i'll catch up!" Lloyd yells as we run. The Merlopians help us swim to the surface, we get on the beach of Ninjago city, but Lloyd was still down there.
"LLOYD!" I yell
"Sis, he is still down there." Kai says
"I KNOW WE NEED TO SAVE HIM!" I shout. Just then we see an bright blue light underneath the water get closer to the surface. Then emerges another merlopian holding Lloyd by the hand dragging him onto the surface.
"LLOYD! Is he okay?" I ask the merlopian
"No, he got attacked by the serpent. It zapped him with electricity and a bunch of green light came out of him. I'm sorry." The merlopian said
"No..." I say in disbelief
"Sis, we'll take care of this, Skylor can you please take her back to monastery?" Kai says
"Come on, let's get you home."

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