Let the sleepover commence

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Lloyd P.O.V
All of my friends tell me that they can come to the sleepover.
"Hey Lloyd, you've been acting different lately are you ok?" Cole asks me
"Huh, yeah I'm fine, just..... tired." I lie
"Well yeah but why?" Cole says confused
"Look if I tell you, you can't tell anyone, remember uncle Wu?" I say
"Yeah." Cole says
"Well I'm training under him, cause you see he learned spinjitzu from the first spinjitzu master and therefore he taught me spinjitzu. And my cousin Vania learned skull sorcery from King Vangelis and Vania is teaching me it." I explain to Cole
"WHAT so you like a ninja now!?" COLE SHOUTS
"Shh, and yes I'm becoming one, grandpa told me of the elemental masters, ancient being that control all elements, and they are still around as the descendants of the elemental masters."
I say
"Do you know who they are?" Cole asks
"No, but they will need to be found soon because my grandfather has for seen it in the soul smoke. It said 'an ancient evil will awaken and only the 6 elemental masters can defeat the Lord of destruction, the evil of many names'." I say to Cole
My phone makes a noise "we're ready" a message from Kai had been sent.

I walked over to their new home and I knocked on the door.
"Hello?" Their mother had said
"Hello Mrs. Smith I'm here to get kai and nya." I said to her
"Oh ok would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" She asks me "they may be awhile, we all know how stylish they like being."she says chuckling
"Sure." I say
We go inside where I sit on the sofa and talk to Nya and Kais parents
"So how did you meet nya?" She asks
"Oh I bumped into her in the hallway and she was lost so I helped take her to her classroom." I say to Mrs. Smith
"Oh, also just call me Maya, thats what I'm usually called." Maya says to me
"What do you usually do during school?" Maya asks
"I'm usually in the office because I'm sure my father told you of our wealth and royalty." I say
"He did yes." Maya says
"Hey ma we're ready- Oh Lloyd your here." Nya said coming down the stairs
"Oh hi dear me and Lloyd were just talking about school and how you two met." Maya says to Nya and Nya begins to blush
"Oh hey Lloyd." Kai says from being Nya
"Are you two ready to go?" I ask
"Yup." They both say
Maya sees us all out "Take care of my daughter!" I hear her shout after me
"I will!"

"Lloyd what did she say?" Nya asks
"Nothing really just school and how we met and stuff." I say to Nya
"Phew" Nya says
"Why what's wrong" I ask her
"Oh nothing- nothing at all." She says nervously

Kai P.O.V
I see Lloyd and nya talking behind me when I see Nya blushing and acting panicky. They are talking about Mother arent they.

Oh well we're here. I look out at Lloyd door where I see Cole, Zane, PIXAL, Jay and Skylor waving at us.

"Hey guys I see you all made it." Lloyd says greeting them

We go inside and Lloyd tells us our rooms.
"Jay and Kai in that room, Skylor, PIXAL and Nya in that room and me, Cole and Zane in my room, but before we go to bed we gotta play sleep over games and this time we have more people, Cole I'm sure you know what games I'm on about." Lloyd says smirking
"Oh I think I know. This will be fun." Cole says also smirking

Now I'm worried...

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