Making Friends

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Kai P.O.V
Me and Nya split up to our different classes, that's when someone comes up to me. He has curly brown hair with freckles, he wore a blue hoodie with a white t-shirt underneath.
"Uhm hey are you new?" He asked
"Yeah I'm new and I'm going to maths in room 22." I said
"Yo same, I'm Jay by the way." Jay said.
"SICK, I've guess I've got my first friend in my first class!" I said joyously
"Yea- wait, you want to be friends?" Jay asked
"Yeah sure I don't see why not." I said
"Do you wanna meet up during break? I know some friends who you might like." Jay asked
"Sure" I said
And then we began walking to class.

Nya P.O.V

Lloyd took me to class.
"Lloyd, what are you doing here?" The teacher said
"Oh it's OK Mrs Susen I'm just taking the new girl to this class." Lloyd said with a smile
"Oh ok well of you go to your class." Mrs Susen said
"Cya." Lloyd said

I saw the red haired girl and silver haired girl and sat next to them. After a little while of just paying attention in class I hear a "hi" come from next to me.

"Hi I'm Skylor, I saw Lloyd brought you here he's a nice kid." Skylor said
"Oh hello I'm Nya and yeah he is, how did you meet him?" I ask
"I met him when i was in the same position as you I didn't know where I was going and he took me." Skylor said
"And I met Lloyd when I was being bullied because I was a nindroid and apparently 'too smart'." The silver haired girl said "and my name is PIXAL me and Skylor are great friends," PIXAL said "would you like to hang out during break?"

Kai P.O.V
After class me and Jay go to the cafeteria and we go to a table in which there were two other people sitting around the table. Jay tells me to sit down and he'll introduce me to them.
"So hey guys this is Kai Smith, he's the new kid so I decided he could be friends with us," Jay said "Oh and Kai this is Zane and Cole."
"Nice to meet ya" I said
Thats when I turn around and see Nya hanging out with a red haired girl and a silver haired girl. I shout "NYA!" and her and the others come over to me and the others.
"Is this your brother?" The red haired girl asks Nya.
"Yup he's my brother." She tells them "Kai this is Skylor and PIXAL, and I made another friend called Lloyd."
"You mean my best friend Lloyd?" Cole asks.

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