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Kai P.O.V
I can't believe what Wu just told us. We're the elemental masters. That can't be, it just can't.
"Wait, is that why we had to leave Shintaro so long ago?" Lloyd asks Wu
"Indeed Lloyd you had to leave because you have an elemental power therefore had to lay low." Wu explains to Lloyd
"Wait so what power do we all have?" Jay asks
"Jay you have lightning, Zane yours is ice, Cole yours is earth, Kai yours is fire, Nya yours is water, Skylor yours is absorption and Lloyd yours is the most powerful, energy." Wu says to us
"Cool and I mean that literally." Zane says
"Uncle is this why you have had me training?" Lloyd asks Wu
"Indeed," Wu says "now come you must learn how to use your elemental power."

Nya P.O.V
3 days later
"Master Wu can we finish yet we've barely stopped." Jay says exhausted
"Yeah uncle, I'm fine but these guys clearly aren't up to a week of training, no offense guys." Lloyd says
"None taken." We all say
"You have rarely rested, fine you can have a few hours off." Wu says

"So, your uncle has you training often." I say trying to start small talk with Lloyd
"Yeah he has me training and learning spinjitzu once every few weeks." Lloyd replies
"I wonder what my parents would think if they knew I'm training to become a ninja." I say
"Well, at first mine were worried but they got over it." Lloyd says
"Yeah you're right."
"Lloyd, I wanted to ask you something if that's okay?" I say
"Sure what is it? Lloyd asks
"Well, ever since we met you've always been so kind to me, and well I was wondering if you would like to go out with me." I say very nervously
"Are you being serious or just tricking me?" Lloyd asks slightly blushing
"I'm being serious." I reply
"Well- um- uh YES! I'd love to." Lloyd says now as red as my brothers new ninja uniform.
"I told her how to do that." Skylor says winking at Kai
"Nuh uh I did!" Kai replies back as me and Lloyd laugh at their bickering.
"Well done bro." Cole says to Lloyd
"Yeah congrats man" Jay says
"We've got a new ship on our hands huh. I'll call you Lloya," PIXAL says "Zane will we ever be like these two?" She says smirking
"Hm, depends if you want that or not." Zane says straight faced
"Looks like my son has gotten himself a girlfriend." Lloyd's father says walking in
"DAD!" Lloyd shouts hugging his father
"How was your trip to Shintaro, how was your Uncle?" Garmadon asks Lloyd
"The trip was good, and uncle Vangelis was doing better than I had imagined, he was ready to rule again. Although, Harumi and Vania had to help him walk." Lloyd says
"Let's hope he heals," Garmadon says "and you two stop bickering!" He says to my brother and Skylor who stop shouting when they hear Garmadon.

Lloyd P.O.V
I can't believe Nya asked me out it wasn't anything new but she was different. I actually felt a connection with her.
"Ugh we need to get back to the monastery." Jay said clearly annoyed
"Already?" Kai said tired
"I'm afraid so.." Cole said

Back at the monastery...

We continued our training when we heard
"Master, why did my punching bag just turn to ice?" Zane said calmly
"It appears your powers have unlocked." Wu replied
Just then we saw purple lightning start to appear around the monastery, then we heard marching.

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