First Day Of School

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Kai and Nya wake up and get dressed, they eat some cereal in a bowl, say goodbye to their parents and walk to school.

Nya P.O.V
Once we arrived at school I notice some kids looking at us, I think its just because we are new but it did creep me and Kai out. We were given our time table and were told to go and meet the principal.

I knocked on the door because Kai was too scared. I heard an elderly voice say "enter" he sounded roughly around 40 to 50 years old but still had a deep voice.
We walked in and saw an elderly man wearing a grey cardigan with a black shirt with gold bits stuck on and a green jumper tied around his waist.

"So you must be Rey and Maya's children, I must say it is lovely to meet you in person. Me and your parents go a long way back." The principal said "Oh and if no one has told you my name is garmadon, principal garmadon."
"Well its nice to meet you Principal Garmadon." Kai said, it was the first sentence I had heard him say today.
"Now you two run along, the bell is about to ring." Garmadon says with a cheerful tone.

Me and kai learn we are in different classes so we part ways. I see I have science so I begin looking around for the class when I bump into someone. I fell over due to the sudden force.
"Oh my god, I am so so so sorry." I say
"Hey calm down its okay It's my fault I wasn't looking. Say, aren't you the new kid?" He says helping me up. I take a proper look at him and am mesmerised, he has beautiful blonde hair and dark green eyes. He wore a green hoodie with a light blue t-shirt underneath and black jeans paired with some white trainers.
"Y-yes I am aswell as my twin brother." I say
"Where are you headed? I can take you if you don't know where your going." He said "I'm Lloyd by the way"
"I'm Nya. And I'm headed to room 32." I say
"OK no problem its just down the hall, I'll walk you down there. Lloyd said "OH and if you see a red haired girl and a silver haired girl sit next to them they love making new friends."
"O-ok thank you Lloyd." I said.

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