Who I was, Who I am.

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After watching the Ninja for a few more days, I think, but then I remembered something or someone, L-Lloyd, it holds significance to me but why?
"Lloyd, good to see you again." The oni and Dragon say as they arrive
"Lloyd?" I say confused
"You don't know your name? Oh no its happening faster than expected." They say
"What is?" I ask
"The metamorphosis. You see you are technically not dead, your body is but your soul isn't. We saved your soul from passing on but the problem is that leaves you exposed to corruption. The void could start getting to you." They say
"So, how do we fix this." I ask
"Even though the universe has its rules, sometimes they must be broken. We need to return you to the living. We'll give extra power and your memory and you'll remember everything that happened in this world." They say
"Ok. I'm ready." I say
"Though keep in mind you won't be the same. Because your being reborn you'll be more oni and Dragon than ever before. You'll still be human but your dark side will be amplified, dont worry no extra aggression just slightly different personality. Goodbye Lloyd." They say
"Good bye." I say as I close my eyes and then open them to see I'm in the courtyard of the monastery very late at night. I see a silhouette of an elderly man.
"Hello? What are you doing here?" They ask
"Master? Wu?" I ask
"L-LLOYD!" He yells in disbelief. I stand up looking around. Wu pulls out a lantern so we can both see.
"It is you, but how?" He asks
"I dont- the creators of Oni and Dragon." I mutter
"The, creators?" He asks
"Yeah, when I died my spirit was saved by the Oni and Dragon creators, while I was there I began to lose my memory but I continued to watch over you and the Ninja." I say
"How odd- anyway, the other Ninja missed you very much. They would love to know you are alive, I will go get them." He says running off. I finally get time to think. My suit its torn but its no longer green its yellow. There is blood stained into my suit and blood stuck to my body. Wu came back and told me to get on the roof so I can surprise the others.
"Ninja I know it is late but somehow, we have a old friend joining us." He says "COME ON DOWN!"
"Wait is that-" Cole gets cut off
"LLOYD!" They all yell. I laugh at their confused faces.
"I know you all have questions like 'did I die' or 'how am I alive' and all will be explained soon." I say. I smile at Nya, I can't help it. I'm so happy to see everyone, and even though I know I'm back, I'm still confused myself. I then feel Nya hug me.
"Is this real or am I dreaming?" Nya asks
"I said I'll never fully leave you." I sat
"Oh Lloyd, dont you ever scare me like that again!" She says crying onto my shoulder
"Aww now isn't that adorable." Kai says
"It sure is." Skylor replies. We both look at them awkwardly and blush.
"Lloyd, I dont even know where to begin-" Cole says at a loss for words
"Don't worry guys, I'll tell you everything in the morning." I still can't believe I'm alive.

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