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Beware to readers I won't spoil it but something sad happens at the end of this chapter.

Lloyd P.O.V
When i and the others heard what was going on, they all started panicking, all but me
"GUYS! Get a hold of yourselves, Wojira may have arrived, but we cannot panic, we are the heroes of ninjago, we must have confidence." I say
"He's right guys, we are ninjagos heroes, we must be ready." Kai said which I found shocking coming from him
"OK..." They agreed
"NINJA! Lord Garmadon has arrived I hope you are ready Nya and Jay, go to ninjago city and help people from the flood. Kai, Zane, Cole and Lloyd you shall come with me and we will fight Wojira." Uncle Wu says
"YES SENSEI!" We all yell running to get our weapons
Nya P.O.V
Me and Jay head out to Ninjago city to go and save those that are helpless.
"HELP!" I hear a man wearing a brown jumpsuit yell
"I'M COMING!" I shout trying to reassure them
"CYAN NINJA!" He shouts
I jump down into the water, I grab the man and grapple up onto a building where other people were on top of.
"RIGHT! COMING NOW!" I say back. I see Jay fighting some sea serpentine things so I jump in and help him.

Cole P.O.V
"OKAY!" I say punching the ground
"Phew, Zane where are Lloyd and Master Wu?" Kai asks
"They have gone to fight Wojira." Zane says
"WHAT!?" Me and Kai yell
"Doesn't Wu remember Lloyd has no powers?" I ask deeply concerned
"Well the first spinjitzu master said that his powers will return but his oni and Dragon must align." Zane says
"How will that happen?" Ksi asks
"Oni and Dragon are polar opposites, they can never agree on one thing, but if Lloyd can get that to happen his powers will return." Zane explains
"You guys ready for round two?" I say looking at the army marching back towards us
"Ready as I'll ever be." Kai says drawing his sword as we hear police sirens.
"Alright boys light 'em up." The commissioner says
"Sir, we don't have guns. We only have tasers." One officer says
"Right, then 'CHARGE 'EM UP!'" He yells

Lloyd P.O.V
"Uncle Wu, why did my brother do this?" I ask
"Bad parenting I believe. But please do not hate your father he has tried his best to help you." Wu says
"I know, but I just saw the hatred for him in my brothers mind. I guess I felt his rage to well." I say
"Lloyd, Uncle Wu. So glad to see you. Welcome to the final battle."
"Brother, let go of your hate, its not worth holding on to." I plead
"Too late for that brother. When the seas rise up and swallow you whole. I and Wojira will be watching you all suffer." LG says
"My brother has truly fallen. Then WE must stop you." I say saddened. I charge at him with my sword out only to be zapped with Wojiras lightning, but it was green.
"LLOYD!" I hear Wu yell out before I fall to the ground unconscious.
I wake up in a grassy land with golden leaves and floating islands. Just then I look up and see a green like Dragon Ninja, with golden armor. I also see a golden Oni like being, with four arms and purple eyes.
"Hello Lloyd. It is great to finally meet you." They both say as if it was one voice
"Who are you?" I ask
"The grandmasters of the ever lasting war. Or you could say 'the great creators of known existence' or the creators of Oni and Dragon." They say as one
"Wait- if you created the Oni and Dragon, does that mean you created my grandfather?" I ask
"Indeed, we have found an interest in you. Therefore we have decided to live within your mind scape. We are your Oni and Dragon which means you re the most powerful Oni and Dragon weilder." They say
"Why am I here?" I ask
"You must do what your grandfather has told you to do, have us align, become one." They say
"How do I make you align?" I ask
"You must let go of all feeling. Let go of the thing that holds you back. You must merge with the very thing all around you, energy." They say "Just imagine it as in your breathing in air but with you powers."
"Ok, I'll give it my best." I say
"Good, that is the best we can ask for." They say

I wake up seeing my Uncle in fear. All the Ninja were there.
"LLOYD! Your alive." I hear Nya say joyously
"YOU SURVIVED!? That's impossible." LG says stunned
"I'm sorry Nya... I know what I must do." I say
"What do you mean?" She asks as I start floating, spinning in a circle as my eyes turn yellow and a green glow forms.
"THATS IMPOSSIBLE! YOU SPOKE TO THEM!?" LG yells in confusion. I stop spinning and fall back to the ground. My body resembling that of an Oni, but I had wings and my eyes were yellow.
"It's time you and Wojira perish for your actions of treachery." I say as if I wasn't in control. I fly upwards and punch Wojira so hard it flies backwards. LG attempts to stop me but I use telekinetic powers and throw him away like a toy. I open my arms and green energy beams come out of nowhere and shoot Wojira. I finally shoot out golden energy at the beast as it flies into the sky and dissapears.
"May you rest in the afterlife." I whisper
"LLOYD ARE YOU OKAY!?" Nya shouts after me. I want to say yes and hug her, but I can't. I'm stuck helplessly
"I am fine." My body says abruptly. I feel my consciousness suddenly return as my new powers vanish.
"Nya, I love you. I needed to say that before I go." I manage to say losing my balance
"What do you mean 'before I go' ?" She asks
"It's not healthy losing that amount of power so suddenly. Im falling apart, beyond repair the most you can do is let me go alongside you." I say tears forming
"B-but what will I do without you? I NEED YOU!" She says breaking down into tears
"Don't worry, I'll never fully leave you." I say placing my hand on her shoulder, green energy going from my chest to hers. She closes her eyes, then she opens them and they become green.
"Goodbye Nya, guys, I'll be watching over you. And Nya I love you." I say kissing her on the lips as I fall to the ground and everything goes bright.

To be continued...

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