Within the heart

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Lloyd P.O.V
"Oh I think I know, this will be fun." Cole says smirking.
"We are going to play-" I get cutoff by my uncle Wu entering the room.
"Uncle Wu? What are you doing here?" I ask my uncle
"I am sorry to intrude in on your little game session but it is urgent. Shintaro had been attacked by an elemental master, but strangely with two elements," Wu says "Your uncle Vangelis got badly injured in the attack."
"WHAT!? are my cousins and grandfather alright?" I ask now worried
"Your grandfather can handle himself and so can your cousins." Wu says
"What do you mean 2 elemental powers?" Nya asks
"He could control water and electricity, he called himself 'the hand of Wojira'." Wu said
"Wojira, an ancient sea serpent said to possess the elemental abilities of water and electricity." Zane explained
"But Lloyd you need to meet your grandfather again you know his intelligence maybe he will know, and yes you all can come too." Wu said
"Wait we get to meet the First Spinjitzu master!?" They all shout excluding me
"Indeed you do." Wu chuckles

Once we arrive on my uncles flying ship the bounty we flew to Shintaro and we'll it was nothing new to me, my friends were mesmerised by the beauty of my home. Once we land we walk inside the Palace where we see my grandfather, the First Spinjitzu master.

"Hello Lloyd, long time no see, I see you've brought your frie-" My grandfather stopped talking like he had seen a ghost
"Hello grandfather, say are you aware of who the elemental master who attacked Shintaro is?" I ask my grandfather
"I am unaware of this knowledge, though I believe I am aware of who the elemental masters are, though you are not ready for that." My grandfather says
"Father I believe they are ready." Wu says to my grandfather
"As do I" my uncle Vangelis says walking into the throne room with Harumi and Vania helping him walk
"Hello my nephew." My uncle says
"I thought you were injured." I say
"I was and still am although Shintaro needs a ruler and I will rule until the day I die." My uncle says
"Hey Vania, Harumi." I say to my cousins
"Hi Lloyd." They say
"Fine, the spirit smoke has spoken to me in ways unimaginable. It tells whatever I desire to know within this realm. Wu, I have told you what the smoke has said. I need you to prepare them, tell them when you get back to the monastery."
"OK father, come children when we get back to the monastery i will tell you." Wu told us

Cole P.O.V
I had previously met Wu before. But never met the First Spinjitzu master, its kind of annoying that he's making Wu finish the story.
"Alright uncle I don't mean to be rude but spill it finish telling us what the smoke had told my grandfather." Lloyd said get more annoyed as time progressed
"Alright the smoke had told him the identities of the elemental masters. Those elemental masters are you 7, PIXAL you are not an elemental master you are a samurai." Wu explained to us
We stood there in silence for a few seconds until Kai yelled

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