His design...

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"Right, so that the plan." Lloyd tells us
"Right, so- um- can you tell me like the whole thing- again." Nya asks
"Yeah maybe less point blank and more A.B.C" Colleen says
"Oh come on! Fine, #1 me, Nya and Colleen will fly to the Overlords base, #2 Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay you will go and deal with Shade and Void, #3 PIXAL and Skylor, you guys will fight the army and hold 'em back." Lloyd commanded
"What about Morro?" Kai asks Lloyd
"Nya and Colleen will go and fight Morro while I fight the Overlord,"  Lloyd says "PIXAL! ETA?"
"1 minute 27 seconds." PIXAL replies
"Alright, Nya, Colleen this our stop." Lloyd says jumping off the bounty with Nya and Colleen following shortly after. They land on top of a building, and they transform, Lloyd an Oni, Nya a dragon form and Colleen floats with the wind.
"Go time." They break through the ceiling of the Palace setting off an alarm.
"Guys go, I'll handle him." Lloyd said
"Are you sure, I can help-" Nya got cut off
"No, I can't lose you. Look, when your done with Morro, help me." Lloyd said, they all part ways

3rd person P.O.V

"Gah! Isn't this just like Ugh! Old times?" Skylor fended off the stone army
"Indeed, just us two against the world." PIXAL replies kicking a soldier
"Do you think Lloyd knows what he's doing?" Skylor asked
"Not entirely, I believe he has some grasp but his power clouds his judgement." PIXAL looked down
"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll understand what he's doing soon enough. He is reasonabl- I'm not gonna finish that sentence." PIXAL sighed

Kai, Zane, Cole and Jay P.O.V
"Kai, here to join us again are we?" Void glares
"I wouldn't go that far." Kai glares back, he charges at Void.
"We'll get Shade!" Cole yells to a blinded Kai

Nya, Colleen P.O.V
"Colleen, Nya."
"You won't win!" Colleen yells
"Oh, I know, NONE OF US WILL!" Morro looks up to the sky where he sees ripples and versions of him, Nya, Colleen, Lloyd, all of the Ninja

Lloyd P.O.V
"Overlord." Lloyd yells
"Lloyd, so good to see you, I'm presuming you wish to defeat me." The Overlord stares
"I know this world, this universe, is falling apart. So we will fight along the chaos!" Lloyd charges at The Overlord

(I'm tired so I'm not gonna actually do the fight. Sorry.)

The Overlord grew weak and as Lloyd was ready to deal the final blow he hesitated, behind him, lay a dark presence, he wasn't sure how but his brother was there.
"Brother." They exchanged glares
"Don't kill him, dont end this." LG says
"Why shouldn't I-"
"Because you love the chaos, the pain and suffering. YOU LOVE IT!" LG declares
"NO I DONT-" Before Lloyd could finish. Lightning struck The Overlord, killing him, and in hid absence three people emerged.

Dead Eye.

Wilbur Soot.


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