The Ambush

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Colleen P.O.V
As I got my new battle suit by master Wu I suddenly felt something in the wind, a warning.
"Master, I sense something, an ambush, an attack." I say getting slightly frightened
"Get your suit on, I will go and inform the Ninja, I know your instincts are never wrong." Wu says calmly

I walk outside to see all the Ninja ready to fight. I summon my metal staff through the wind, I hear marching then I see three people ontop of a building. I see a ghostly figure, a shadow, and a ninja in a red Ninja uniform.
"You guys ready?" Jay says worried
"Ready as we'll ever be." Lloyd replies with confidence
"Hello Ninja, your time is up." A familiar voice says
"Kai, it's not to late, join us." Zane tries to reason with him
"I'm sorry, I've made an oath to the Overlord." Kai replies. I hade enough, I needed action, no matter the circumstance, I winded up my arm and charged at the army, I heard the Ninja shout after me but I did not care, I hit the warriors, my powers ripped apart the road and created tornados, throwing the warriors around like ragdolls. I get a closer look at the ghost and recognise them. Then, I see a vision, I see him and me as a baby, I see people who seem familiar as well.
"Morro, dont do this!" The woman pleads
"This is not up for debate. Sarah, I need my powers, therefore your child must die." Morro tells them
"Mystake, take Colleen!" Sarah yells
"But what about you!" Mystake asks
"Doesn't matter, GO!" Sarah yells, the last things I hear is
"That was your last mistake, Sister."

End of flashback.
"My neice." Morro floats down to me
"Morro, YOU KILLED MY MOTHER-" I try to attack him
"Indeed, she wouldn't let you die, so she was a suitable replacement." Morro says with a hint of guilt
"You feel bad, don't you?" I glare at him
"N-no, I'm almighty and powerful-" Morro mutters
"I can see it in your eyes. She was your sister, and you cared for her." I look at him feeling bad. This was the man behind the mask, behind the monster.
"Sorry uncle." I jump back to the bounty. "Well that was a waste of time."
"Not entirely." Nya says revealing the red Ninja behind her. "I convinced him to join us. We got the old Kai back!"
We all celebrated.
"Haha! You did it! But, Kai you worked under the Overlord for a few weeks, I think its about time we strike back." Lloyd smirks, one eye turned red...

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