The King's Possession

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"Hello? Nya? Jay?" Kai asks
"You can do so much more. Be so much more." A voice said
"Who are you?" Kai asks
"I am the crystal king, or overlord and I am in need of assistance. You see I merely wish to make Ninjago great again, but Lloyd has been trying to prevent that. But I see potential in you, join the dread Ninjago can be what it once was." The voice says
"Why should I help you?" Kai asks frightened
"You always wanted more power, like the green ninja, you envy him. So, join me and you can take all the power you desire," the voice says "think about it..."

Nya P.O.V
It's been just over a week since the attack and Kai has practically vanished. I asked Skylor if she had seen him but to no avail. Lloyd felt an evil presence on him since the fight, he believes Void had given him the infection. I hope he hasn't gotten the infection.
"Nya, I'm sorry he is nowhere to be seen." Master Wu said
"I really hope Lloyd is wrong and he hasn't been infected." I say
"We can only hope, but Lloyd is correct. An evil presence was lingering on him, the presence of the Overlord." Wu said
"Wait so it's not the dread infection?" I ask
"I do not believe so. I believe the overlord has made a direct connection to him." Wu says

3rd person P.O.V
"Now Kai. Take whats yours." The voice says
"What is this?" Kai asks
"A crystal, the golden crystal." The voice says

Guys I'm sorry this was short but I'm kinda busy but I still really wanted to write a chapter.

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