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Nya P.O.V
A few days go by and I have gotten a better grasp at my new powers. I've gotten more close to Lloyd since his return and the other Ninja have been acting differently. I don't think they fully trust Lloyd, I can't blame them he had just died only for him to come back days later. Just then I hear a knock on my door.
"Hello? Nya? May I come in?" I hear Kai ask
"Yeah sure!" I reply
"Nya, I- am scared." Kai blurts out which shocked me
"Your what?" I ask confused
"I'm scared." He says again more confident this time
"Why? Who or what is scaring you?" I ask
"I don't wanna sound mean but, Lloyd. He's been really different recently, also yesterday I heard him yell so I went to go check on him and he was looking in a mirror but his reflection wasn't him." Kai explains nervously
"What do you mean, wasn't him?" I ask
"Well it looked like a black, scaley face and purple eyes and mouth, it wore a black helmet and golden armor." He says. I look at him in shock, I didn't know what to say. Then Lloyd walked in.
"You are right Kai I was talking to the mirror, the dark Lord is returning, I was just about to tell Wu when I overheard this conversation." Lloyd says
"Sorry for eavesdropping." Kai apologises
"The feeling is mutual." Lloyd says "I gotta go."
"Same." Kai says as they both leave my room. What does Lloyd mean? I decided I was going to have a shower and ponder my thoughts some more.

Lloyd P.O.V
After intruding in on that conversation I decided I would go and see Wu and tell him of my experience with the mirror.
"Master Wu, there is something you must be informed of." I say entering the library
"Yes Lloyd? What is it?" Wu asks
"Yesterday I was in my room looking in the mirror when I saw someone, I'm not entirely sure who but they called themselves 'the dark lord'. I felt like you should know." I explain
"Oh no, my father's greatest foe is returning." Wu says

3rd person P.O.V
Late at night in Shintaro the First Spinjitzu Master sat on his throne when a human with purple eyes and pale skin walked into the throne room.
"You look ill young one." The First Spinjitzu master says
"Do you not remember me? Here's a reminder. 'Long live the crystal king'." The pale human says before killing the king with a gun.

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