The Grey Ninja

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3rd person P.O.V
As Colleen easily beat Lloyd in sparring, the other Ninja decided to spar against her. They surrounded her and all charged at her as she jumped up over them and they ran into eachother. Colleen chuckled, the Ninja got back up and strategically attacked her but she summoned the wind so that if they came close to her they would get knocked back. She was faster than they were, more agile, she kicked Cole in the stomach and summoned the wins and knocked Jay into the deck, Nya shot water at Colleen and Zane froze it but Colleen hit the water back and froze Nya. Zane was smarter than the others, he ran at Colleen and as she summoned the wind he sensed it and dodged. Colleen lunged at Zane and hit him back.
"OKAY OKAY! YOU WIN!" Lloyd yelled jumping down preventing the others from getting back up.
"Losers!" Colleen poked at the others
"HEY I OUTTA!-" Jay yelled
"Jay calm down!" Lloyd said
"Yeah it's okay." Nya told Jay
Colleen was finally happy, she had friends and wasn't cooped up in the tea shop, she missed Mystake but she had a new family.
"Hey Colleen, you wooped our butt." Nya chuckled
"Had alot of time to spare in my 16 years of being alive." Colleen said
"So your 2 years older than us, also are you naturally ginger?" Nya asked
"No, I'm not, I dyed it a while ago and I'm changing it back to white soon." Colleen smiled
"Is Mystake your mother?" Nya asks Colleen
"No, I never knew any of my family, I only knew my auntie, Mystake." Colleen frowned. Nya felt bad for asking, if she knew she wouldn't have asked.
"But hey let's not make this all about me. How are you and Lloyd, I heard he'd been through alot." Colleen asked changing the subject
"Yeah, he learned he was an elemental master, then about his long lost brother, then used his Oni and Dragon form, then died and came back, then his grandfather was murdered and now he's dealing with the brand new emotions and practically being a new person." Nya explained
"Oh my god. That's something to say the least." Colleen was speechless

At Borg Tower...

"MORRO! Get here." The Overlord demands
"Yes, my emperor?" Morro replies
"Your neice has joined the Ninja, get the troops, there will be an ambush." The Overlord says
"Colleen. My lord with all due respect Colleen is the most powerful master of wind, she can and will take down our army." Morro said
"I DO NOT CARE! WE KILL THEM IF WE MUST!" The Overlord yells as Morro bows down to him.

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