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Lloyd P.O.V
I walk down into the depths of the monastery. I saw all the ninja there guarding Lord Garmadon.
"Brother." I say
"Lloyd." He replies
"Why do you wish to see me." I say
"Nothing much, I wish to give you a message. I have more people on my side than you can imagine." He says clicking his fingers. As he clicks his fingers a very strong gush of wind hits all of us and breaking Lord Garmadon's cell allowing him to escape.
"Ninja, I'd like you to meet Morro. The master of wind. Oh, and there's one more, there he is, Shade the master of shadow." Lord Garmadon says smirking
"Shade teleport us out, and the blue one and the girl." Garmadon says
"Which girl?" Shade asks
"NYA YOU FOOL!" Garmadon says
"Oh." Shade teleporting them all out.
"NO!" I scream in frustration
An hour later, I'm in my room on the verge of tears. Nya the only person who makes really happy is gone. Then I hear knock on the door.
"Come in" I say
Then I see Harumi come in, she's sees how sad I look.
"Lloyd, are you ok?" She asks
"Yep totally fine." I say lying
"Lloyd i can see right through you. It's Nya and Jay isn't it." She says
"Ugh, yes it is, it's just Nya really comforts me and makes me feel happy. And Jay's one of my bestest friends. I dont know what I would do if they were gone." I say now letting tears fall
"Oh Lloyd, It's OK your just like me when my parents died. Now, the Lloyd I know wouldn't give up until they are safe and unharmed." She says hugging me, I let tears fall more and more, getting her shirt wet but she didn't care.
"I guess your right, tell the guys to meet me in the courtyard. Can you come back to me afterwards?" I say still slightly crying
"Sure." She says leaving my room.
She's right they need me and the ninja and I will help them.
I walk out into the courtyard with Harumi. The remaining ninja stand there looking at me with mixed expressions.
"Alright Lloyd this better be good my sister and best friend are at stake." Kai says rudely
"For your information Lloyd's plan is excellent and will be executed brilliantly." Harumi says back at Kai
"Oh yeah! How do you know it will he hasn't told anyone yet!" Kai yells as they all start bickering.
"ENOUGH!" I yell my powers beginning to activate getting their attention
"You do understand that Nya is my girlfriend and I would do anything for her and Jay is one of my friends too!" I yelled at Kai
Harumi looked at me proudly because when we were younger she would teach me to stand up for myself.
"Sorry I'm just annoyed." Kai apologised
"It's OK look I know where they are. They are at the bottom of the tartarus trench." I say
"And how do you propose we get there?" Zane asks
"I'm in touch with the merlopian royal family. They can get us down there." I say
"Also Zane how is PIXAL?" I ask
"She is doing better the lightning shut down her servers but I got the running again." Zane
"Right well then I guess we're going diving." Cole says

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