The Emptiness

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Lloyd P.O.V
"We got driven away from our initial mission. We must go to the island." Zane says
"Agreed, the dark island of the..." Master Wu mutters
"The Overlord, OF COURSE! How could I be so foolish!? The island of the Overlord! The dark island!" Wu says. Just then the phone goes off.
"Hello?" Wu asks
"Uh hi brother, now I know the ninja are heroing but the year 9 graduation is today and they kind of need to be there." My father says over the phone
"Ok brother, NINJA! Your all going back to school just for now so you can graduate." Wu says
"Ugh yes sensei..." We all say.

2 hours later...
"I forgot we went to school." Jay says
"Didn't we all." Cole says
"Are we going to take off our Ninja uniform?" Nya asks
"Nah, there's no point, we're only here for 3 hours then back to saving Ninjago." I say
"Hey is that- the NINJA!?" A random girl says as all they students run out to us
"Oh boy." Skylor says as Nya hugs onto me
"ALL OF YOU BACK TO CLASS!" My father shouts "I'm sorry I'll try and prevent that from happening and good to see you again Lloyd." My father says. We walk into the school where we stand on the stage and graduate from year 9. But just then I see a student look pale and their eyes begin to glow.
"And we welcome the famed Ninja to the next year of Highschool." A teacher says, but then I feel something- it feels windy and just then the doors bust open revealing Morro, Shade and- is that Void?
"Lloyd, your against the Overlord?" Void asks
"Indeed Void, I see your with him. You don't have to be, join us." I say raising my hand
"I cannot, I am his herald and always have been. Warriors! Spread the Dread!" Void yells
"No, NO, NO! Everyone evacuate!" I yell
"Zane, PIX, Jay and Cole go escort everyone out. Me, Nya, Kai and Skylor will fight Void, Morro and Shade." I demand
"Lloyd how do you know this Void?" Skylor asks
"We met in the afterlife." Void answers
"You Ninja won't win!" Morro says as he lunges at me with two green swords
"Sorry hot stuff." Shade says as he tries to stab Bya only for her to dodge
"You're to kind." Nya says as she grabs Shade by the foot and throws him across the room
"Come on Sky, we can take him." Kai says as him and Skylor run at Void
"Ha, you're to cute." Void says using purple lightning on them
"GUYS!" I yell as Morro knocks me down
"GAH!" Nya screams as she gets stabbed by Shade on her arm. Just then Nyas eyes turn bright green as she kicks Shade in the back, he lunges at her but she shoots out pure energy as her body begins to resemble that of a humanoid dragon form. I kick back Morro throwing him into a wall.
"NYA! CALM DOWN OR YOU'LL LOSE CONTROL!" I yell. I run to help Nya and use my Oni power and punch Shade.
"Void, this isn't the way." I say turning to look at Void
"It's too late for me Lloyd." Void says putting his hands together
"Fine, then I will do what I must." I say mixing my Oni and Dragon forms into one my eyes turning white and my hands glow gold
"Haha! Just like your grandfather!" Void says charging at me
"It's over Void!" I yell losing control again. I jump up punching Void in the head, Void tries to use his powers on me but I'm not affected. I upper cut him launching him into the air then I jump up and kick him in the face.
"LLOYD STOP!" Zane yells as him, PIX, Jay and Cole run into the room
"Agh, you may have one for now but not for long. SHADE! Teleport us out." Void says
"See ya Void, but next time we'll be ready." I saycto him
"It's mutual Lloyd." Void says as they all teleport out

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