Getting Adopted

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Her hair^^^

{Bluebell's POV}

"Miss. Daisy! I'm going long boarding! I'll be back soon!" I yell into her office.

"Hold on! Some one is here to adopt you!" She says pulling me on the room.

A couple, that looks to be in there 40s is sitting at the desk.

I nod, this has never happened.

"Hello. I'm Emily. This is my husband Pete. We would like to adopt you. " The lady says.

I nod.

"Would you like that?" Miss. Daisy asks.

"Oh yes!" I say jumping up and down.

"Good now go get packed!" Miss. Daisy says smiling.

I run upstairs and pull out my suitcase.

I throw my clothes in and put my guitar in its case.

I grab my bags and run downstairs.

"Woah slow down! Just saying but they probably will bring you back in a week." Chelsea says.

Chelsea is 16, she has been here awhile, she hates me.

"I bet she will be back in 4 days!" Leah says laughing.

I walk past them and to Miss. Daisy's office.

"Ready to go?" Emily says.

I nod.

I hug Miss. Daisy.

"Bye Miss. Daisy, I will miss you." I say.

"I'll miss you too Bluebell." She says smiling.

"Let's go, I have a doctors appointment to go to." Emily says.

I wave and walk out with my new parents.

"So Bluebell tell us about yourself." Pete says.

Woah he talks!

"I'm 15, named after a flower, love light blue, and play guitar." I say.

"Oh fun! Well I have a appointment, you can come in and wait." Emily says.

We walk into the hospital.

"We will be in room 120 if you need anything. Oh! I got you this, it's all set up." Emily says handing me a box.

I quickly open it. A phone!

"Thank you!" I say hugging Emily.

She smiles. They walk to the room.

I look around on the app store.

Mmm YouTube, cool!

I download YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat.

I get a few games.

I make a account on Instagram.


Hey it worked! I used the same new for Snapchat and YouTube.

I plug my headphones in a go on YouTube.

I come across this guy called Shawn Mendes. Hmm he's good.

I look up and see Emily and Pete. Emily is crying and I can't tell what Pete is doing.

"Bluebell we're going home. We need to tell you something." Pete says.

Pete is kinda scary, especially now.

I nod and walk behind them.

After a quick drive we pull up to a small, cozy house. I like it.

I grab my things and follow them inside.

They sit at the kitchen table. I set my things by the door and sit.

"Bell, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. There is nothing they can do." Emily says crying.

I sit there. I don't know what to do. I was just adopted a hour ago and now. Now what?

"Your room is upstairs." Pete says motioning to the door.

I grab my things and hurry to my room.

I open the door to reveal spiral stairs. I slowly walk up. My room is the attic.

Wow. I like this...

My room has a giant bed, the floor is half carpet half wood, there's a closet and a desk with art supplies.

I walk to the closet to put away my clothes.

I open the door slowly. Woah, it's full!

And they're all my size!!

Oh my goodness!

"It's all your fault." Someone mutters.

I turn around to see a red faced Pete.

"What?" I say trembling.

"It's your fault Emily is freaking out!" He says a little louder.

He walks up to me, I back into my closet door.

"Stay up here and don't come down unless asked to." He says.

He turns to go.

He spins around a slaps me. My hand flies to my check.

He knees me in the stomach and leaves.

I curl up into a ball and cry.

{author's note}

sooo another story! haha yeaaah enjoy!

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