Part 9

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Nash's POV

"Dude!" I say walking over to Hayes.

"What is she doing." Hayes says.

"She no swim." Sky says walking over.

I hear a splash. Who just jumped in?

Hayes is next to me and Sky is holding my hand.

"What's going on?" Mom says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I threw her in, I didn't know she couldn't swim." Hayes says looking down.

Then Cam pops out of the water holding Bluebell in his arms.

"Cam! What? Why? How?" I say confused.

"Get a towel!" Cam shouts.

He lays her carefully on the side of the pool.

Once Cam jumps of the pool, Bluebell starts coughing.

"Bluebell!" I say kneeling next to her.

I help her sit up.

She starts shaking a lot, it's really scary.

Cam wraps his arms around her.

"It's alright, your safe." I hear him whisper.

Bluebell calms down and pulls away.

"Cam?" She says quietly.

Wait how does she know him?

"Oh my gosh! Blue!!" Cam says hugging her tightly.

"I'm confused." I say.

"Me too." Hayes says handing Cam and Bluebell towels.

"Oh! So I visited the orphanage Blue was at. I kinda never had a chance to say bye to her. I was going to go back but then I heard how you lost Sky so I decided to come early. That's why your mom went "grocery shopping"." Cam says.

"Wait you lost Sky?" Mom asks getting mad.

"No! When Hayes, Bluebell and I went shopping, Hayes and I lost Bluebell. Turns out she was just at the art store next door." I explain quickly.

Mom nods and calms down.

"So, you two know each other?" I say slowly.

Bluebell nods smiling.

"Yep!" Cam say smiling.

"Let's get you inside Bluebell." Mom says helping Bluebell up.

"Thank you, Cam." Bluebell says.

Cam nods.

The girls go inside.

"You guys adopted her?" Cam says once they're inside.

"Yeah! She's our sister!" I say.

"Sweet! She's pretty much my little sister." Cam says smiling.

"I feel so bad." Hayes mumbles.

Cam and I look at Hayes.

"Hayes." I say slowly. He looks like he's crying.

"She hates me." Hayes says.

"No she doesn't." Cam says.

Hayes shakes his head and walks away.

"Let's go talk to Bluebell." I say standing up.

Cam and I walk inside.

"Mom where's Bell?" I ask.

"Cam! Your dripping everywhere! Go change!" My mom says shooing Cam to the guest room.

Cam runs downstairs to the guest room.

"Where is Bell?" I ask again.

"In her room. She doesn't feel well." Mom says. "Take this up to her, please."

Mom hands we a cup of soup and a spoon.

I walk carefully so I don't spill.

"Bluebell?" I say when I get to her door.

The door slowly opens.

"Hi." Bluebell says quietly.

"I got you some soup!" I say walking past her.

"Thank you." She says sitting on her bed.

"You okay?" I ask sitting next to her.

She shakes her head.

"Hayes, he probably thinks I hate him after what happened. But, I don't. He didn't know." She says.

"Want me to find him? So you can talk to him?" I ask standing up.

"Yes!" Bluebell says standing up and hugging my waist tightly.

I give a small laugh and hug her back.

"I'll be right back." I say closing her door.

I walk to Hayes's and I's room.

I knock lightly.

"Hayes?" I ask.

No answer.

"Hayes." I say louder.

Still nothing.

I open the door slowly.

Hayes is curled up in a blanket laying on the floor.

"Hayes." I say relieved he is in here.

"What." He says weakly.

"Go talk to Bell." I say sitting next to him.

He doesn't say anything.

He must notice I'm not leaving.

"Fine." He says getting up.

"Good." I say pulling the blanket off him.

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