Part 20

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"Guys, it's time to meet up with the others." Cam says.

"Oh shit..." Gray says pointing.

"Fans." Ethan says slowly.

"Run." Nash says grabbing my hand.

We turn and sprint away from the screaming fans.

"Nash. I can't." I say falling behind. I let go of his hand.

He and Ethan stops.

"Hop on." Ethan says crouching down.

We start to run again.

"Fans!" Johnson screams from the food court.

They join in running to the car.

We take a sharp turn in hope to lose them.

"Shit! Dead end!" Gilinsky says.

The scream gets louder. Then it goes away.

"They left." Ethan says setting me down.

"Let's get out of here." Hayes says.

I nod.

"You good?" Nash whispers to me.

"Yeah...I think so." I whisper back.

He nods.

We cautiously peak out from the hallway.

"Clear!" Johnson yells.

"Thank god." I mumble.

"Let's get to the car." Cam says.

We walk to the car with some small conversations.

I jump in the back. Ethan gets in next to me.

"Hey." He says smiling.

I smile back.

"That was fun." He says laughing.

"Oh totally. Fans are so crazy." I say.

"Let's go to the board walk!" Johnson says.

"Okay!" Gilinsky says pulling out of the parking ramp.

"Guys! It's Shawn!" Nash shouts.

"Turn it up!" Cam says.

Gray turns the radio up.

"Who is Shawn?" I ask Ethan.

"Shawn Mendes, he's 15 and was a Youtuber along with these guys." Ethan says.

I nod.

"Oh I've heard this song before." I say realizing it's Stiches.

Ethan smiles.

We all sing along with Shawn.

"We should see if he's busy!" Johnson says.

"He's on tour bro." Gilinsky says.

"Oh!" Johnson says.

"Were here!" Gilinsky shouts.

We all pile out. Johnson grabs a bag from the back.

"Sam and I got this for you." He says handing me the bag.

I peak in the bag. A longboard!

"Thank you!" I say hugging Johnson and then Sam.

"Try it out!" Sam says pulling it out and setting it down.

Sam's POV

"Damn she's good." Gilinsky says.

I look over at Ethan.

"Close your mouth. You might catch a fly." I say laughing.

He blushes.

"Probably should get out of the parking lot." Cam says.

"Wait where did Blue go?" Nash says.

Silence, then tires screeching.

We all stare at each other.

"No please no." Nash says running toward the noise.

We follow after him.

We come to the next row and see a car drive away and Bluebell laying on the pavement. Her board slowly rolling away...

{AUTHOR'S NOTE sorry i had to....}

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