Part 19

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I feel something lick my face. Wait what just licked my face?

I open my eyes, Cam is smiling right in my face.

"What the hell!?" I say shoving his face away.

A bunch of the guys laugh.

"It's 10:30 you two need to get up." Gilinsky says.

Two? What is he talking about? I feel someone's arms tighten around me.


"Eth, let go." I say softly.

"Ugh fine." He says moving his arms.

I roll off the couch.


Ethan groans.

"I need to shower," I say walking to my bag.

"Hurry up!" Sam shouts.

"Jeez chill, I just woke up." I say shoving him onto Ethan.

"I'm joking." Sam say hugging me quickly.

I roll my eyes.

"Someone is sassy today." Nash says eating cereal.

I go in the bathroom and close the door.

Sam's POV

"Guys, we should buy her a new longboard." I say laying onto of Ethan.

"Yes! Definitely." Johnson says.

"Johnson, you and me go off on our own and buy one?" I suggest.

"Sounds good!" He says high fiving me.

"Make sure there are flowers on it." Hayes says laying on top of me.

"Guys, get the fuck off." Ethan says. It sounds more like "uyss et thuee uck ouuf"

Hayes and I get shoved to the ground.

"10 minutes Blooo!" Grayson shouts.

"Ethan go get dressed." Cam says.

"Ugh fine." Ethan says getting up slowly.

Blue comes out of the bathroom. She's wearing ripped up light blue jean shorts and flowy flower covered top.

"Damn." Johnson says.

Gilinsky wolf whistles.

She rolls her eyes as she puts on her black beat up converse.

"Wear is Ethan?" She asks standing up.

"Right here!" He says jogging out of the other room.

"Let's go!" Nash shouts.

"Wait! Where is my purse?" Bell says frantically searching.

"Right here!" I say finding it under Nash's sweatshirt.

"Thanks!" She says prancing over and grabbing it.

"Now let's go!" Nash shouts grabbing his room key.

We charge down the hotel stairs.

"There are fans out there." Hayes says.

"Bell hop on!" I say crouching down.

Bluebell jumps on my back.

"Ready!" Bell says laughing.

The guys all look at us.

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