Part 8

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Bluebell's POV

I love Nash and Hayes. I haven't really spent time with Skylynn but she's adorable. I don't know about Will. He left right away. Mom is awesome.

"WAKE UP BLUEBELL!" I hear two boys yell. Seconds later they jump on me.

"Get off me you fat goldfishes." I say shoving one of them off.

"Hey!!" Hayes screams.


"Wake up Blue! We have something to tell you!" Nash screams.

"Jeeeez. Chill I'm up!" I say sitting up.

"We finished editing the video." Nash and Hayes say loudly.

"Cool." I say laying back down and covering my head with my blankets.

"We want to hang out with you Belly." Hayes says laying on top of me.

"Get off." I mumble.

"NEVER!" Nash says laying on top of Hayes.

"Bluebell, will you pleeeeaaaase play horsies with me?" Skylynn says.

"Sure!" I say rolling over.

Nash and Hayes fall to the ground.

"Seriously." Nash says.

"You didn't say please." I say walking off with Skylynn.

"We're gunna post the video!" Hayes shouts.

"Okey dokey!" I shout back.

"Which horsie do you want?" Skylynn asks me.

"Hmmm, the pink one!" I say pointing.

Cameron's POV

Nash seemed really weird yesterday. Hopefully he found Skylynn. He didn't even seem like he wanted to tell me he lost her! She's pretty much my sister too!

I'm going early!

Text to Nash's mom

Hey! I'm coming early to surprise Nash and company. I need a ride from the airport to your place....

Text from Nash's mom

OKAY I'll get you! Thanks for letting me know, Cam!

Yes! Better start packing and switch my ticket.

Okay I'm leaving in 3 hours, staying for 2 weeks. That means 10 different outfits, swimsuit, and tons of other stuff. And go.

Nash's POV

Now to post the video of the three of us. I really hope Blue doesn't get any hate. I get some, Hayes gets some, and Sky does but Mom runs her accounts so she doesn't even know about it. But I feel Bluebell will be greatly affected. She's so fragile, but thankfully opened up, a little to Hayes and I. I really hope she's not scared of Cam.

"Nash!" Hayes screams waving his hands in my face.

"What?" I say.

"You blanked out there!" Hayes says staring at me.

"Oh, sorry, was just thinking." I say starting to upload the video.

"Bout what?" Hayes says.

"Bluebell, and meeting Cam, and possibly getting hate." I spit out.

"Oh shit." Hayes says.

I nod.

"Cam won't hurt her." Hayes says confidently.

"I know, but will she be okay with him." I say.

"Let's get this video uploaded!" Hayes says pulling out some popcorn.

"You my brother, are a dork." I say grabbing the popcorn.

Hayes and I tweet like crazy and post a few pictures on our my stories.

"Blue! The video is almost uploaded!" I shout to Bluebell.

"Coming!" Bluebell shouts back.

Eventually she comes and sits on Hayes.

"Ready for this?" I ask.

"YES!!" She screams.

It posted.

I immediately tweet that it's posted.

10 minutes later Bluebell's phone is going crazy.

"They like you." Hayes says.

Bluebell laughs and turns off her notifications.

"Selfie?" I say holding my phone up.

"Totally." Bluebell says.

We take billions of crazy pictures and I post one, with the caption saying...


Hayes posts something similar.

"You guys are the best." Bluebell says laughing.

"NASH, BLUEBELL, HAYES AND SKY! I'm going shopping be back in 30!" Mom shouts from downstairs.

"OKAY MOM!" Hayes shouts.

"Wanna go swimming?" I ask standing up.

"Sure!" Hayes says.

Bluebell nods.

"Get ready!" I say shooing Bluebell out.

"You change first, I'll tell Sky to get her suit on." Hayes says leaving.

I nod closing the door.

Bluebell's POV

Swimming. Riiiight.

I can't swim. What do you expect! I've lived in a orphanage my entire life, pretty much!

I find a neon green bikini and put it on. I put on a random t shirt over top and grab my phone. I pull my hair into a mess bun and walk to Sky's room. I make sure my bracelets are covering.

"Ready Sky?" I say knocking lightly.

"Yup!" She say flinging the door open.

"Let's get Nash and Hayes!" I say grabbing her hand.

She pulls me over to there room.

"NASH! HAYES! COME OUT!" Sky screams.

"Coming!" Nash and Hayes yell together.

They open the door and lead us down to the pool.

"Sunscreen, Sky." Nash says pulling out a bottle.

"Fiiiinnne." Sky says groaning.

Nash puts sunscreen on her where necessary.

I set my phone on a chair.

"About time." Hayes says picking me up.

"No! Hay-." I go underwater, unable to finish.

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