Meeting More People

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"Bell! Wake up!" Nash says.

"Uh?" I say waking up.

"We landed!" Nash says handing me my carry on.

Everyone gets off the plane and we get our luggage.

"We might have a few fans outside. We're meeting up with Jack and Jack, Sam, and Aaron." Cam says.

"Who?" I say confused.

"More of our friends, they are really nice." Hayes says.

"Okay we are about to go out. Stay together." Cam says.

Nash grabs my right hand.

"I won't let go." He whispers in my ear.

I nod.

We walk through the doors. Fans are screaming, crying and trying to get closer.

Nash squeezes my hand.

"Bluebell!" A girl screams.

I look up at her and smile.

She waves.

We hop in a car.

"Hey guys!" Some blonde says.

"And girl." A guy who obviously bleached his hair says.

"Who is this?" A dark haired guy says.

"Our sister!" Hayes says.

"What's your name?" The last guy says.

"Bluebell." I say.

"I'm Aaron. The blonde and dark brown haired dude are Jack and Jack. Sam is the bleached guy." Aaron says pointing.

"How old are you?" Sam asks.

"15." I say.

The car starts to move slowly.

He nods.

"Oh Bryant is the dude driving, he's our photographer." He whispers.

I nod.

"So, we got 3 rooms. 2 beds in each." Jack with dark hair says.

"Okay so Grier's get one room, Jack and Jack and Dolan's in another. Then Sam, Aaron, Cam and Bryant in the other." Nash says.

We all nod.

"Oh, two of the rooms are connected." Sam says.

We nod.

"More fans will be at the hotel." Jack with blonde hair says.

We all nod.

"So Bell, tell us about yourself." Jack with dark hair says. I really need to know there last names.

"I like to longboard, but mine got broken. I paint. I can't swim. I was adopted before but yeah that didn't end well and Sky is my favorite sibling." I say.

"Oooooh." Jack with light hair says.

I smirk and Nash and Hayes.

"It's quite understandable." Nash says shrugging.

"How can I tell you two apart. I need different names for you two." I say looking at the Jacks.

"I'm Johnson. And he's Gilinsky." Johnson says.

I nod.

"What made you guys internet famous?" I ask.

"We make music." Gilinsky says.

"So do I." Sam says.

"I'm just cute." Aaron says.

We laugh.

"We have a free day tomorrow, wanna go shopping?" Sam suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds good!" Gray says.

"Are you really 15?" Johnson asks.

I nod.

"You're really short." He says.

"I know." I say.

"It's cute." Johnson says smiling.

"We're here!" Bryant says.

The car starts slowing down.

"Ready?" Cam says with his hand on the door.

Everyone nods.

He opens the door.

The screaming is louder, the pushing is stronger.

Someone pulls me into the crowd.

"Nash!" I scream.

"Bluebell!" Nash shouts. I watch him frantically look for me.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE---->short chapter! the next update should be soon!]

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