Part 14

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Ethan's POV

Bluebell is coming with! Yay!!!

The fans really seem to like her.

We all just got done eating.

"Wanna swim? I know you can't Bluebell but you still need to finish packing." Hayes says.

"You guys swim! I'll finish packing." Bluebell says smiling her cute smile.

She tries to stand up.

"Cam let me go!" Blue squeals.

"I'll never let go Jack!" Cam shouts.

"Well then Rose." Blue says.

"Cam let her go." Bluebell's mom yells.

Cam let's go immediately.

"Thanks mom!" Blue shouts.

We all laugh at the pouting Cam.

Bluebell goes up to her room.

"Ethan you like my sister." Hayes whispers in my ear.

"I um." I say.

He smirks and nods.

"Treat her well." Hayes says.

"Who?!" Cam shouts.

"Ethan's imaginary friend. Duh." Hayes says.

They nod.

"Let's get our swim trunks on!" Nash says jumping up and heading inside.

We all follow him in.

Bluebell's POV

I don't want to pack right now. Instagram time! I scroll through comments.


Fun sized! SO cute!

Sibling goals

Are you and Cam dating?!

That made me laugh. He's like a big brother!

I open my window to watch the guys swim.

"Guys! Smile!" I shout down with my phone ready to take a picture.

They all make faces.

"Thanks!" I shout and close my window.

I edit it a little and post it on the gram. With the caption saying, "Such a lovely day out! My boys are having fun in the sun. Nash looks a little pink though".

Nash never put any sunscreen on.

He's gunna feel it in the morning!

I pack my electronics minus my phone and charger.

I change into some ripped up shorts and I jog out to the pool.

"Sunburnt much?" I say looking at Nash.

"It' doesn't even hurt!" He says.

I laugh.

I sit on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water.

"All packed?" Ethan asks swimming over next to me.

"Yep!" I say.

"Good!" He says.

He is now in front of me. He grabs my ankles.

I squeal a little.

"Don't pull me in!" I say gripping the side.

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