A Big Game of Hide n Seek

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Ethan's POV

I had to leave. It was getting to be too much. I start jogging on the side walk.

"Hey watch it!" A guy yells as I accidentally run into him.

I continue to run to a park. There's a giant tree, so I climb up it.

I look up through the branches, looking at the stars.

Grayson's POV

"Ethan is missing. Some lady found his phone in front of her store. The screen is cracked, but it still works." I say.

"Let's go look for him." Cam says grabbing his phone.

"We should stop at the store to get his phone first, then from there look for him." Sam says heading to the door.

I nod. Today is crazy.

Sam's phone starts to ring.

"Hospital." He says answering.( S = Sam, H = Hospital)

"Hello?" S

"Hi! Sam right?" H

"Yeah." S

"So we got some news on Bluebell. Her concussion is very mild. She only cracked three ribs, which should heal quickly. Her leg will take a while to heal. Her back has gotten stitches. She's asleep now and should be ready to go home in two to three days." H

"Oh okay thanks!" S

"All of you boys can visit tomorrow is you wish." H

"Thank you." S

"Goodnight!" H

"Good news, only cracked ribs, mild concussion. Bad news leg is gunna take a while to heal, her back is stitched up." Sam says.

The guys nod.

"HERE WE COME ETHAN!" Johnson yells,

"A game of hide n seek?" Hayes asks.

"Definitely." Cam says.

"Hayes. Stay and edit the vid! And just in case Eth comes back." Cam says.

Hayes nods and turns the TV on.

"Okay to the shop!" Gilinsky says.

The guys are all trying to stay happy but with Bluebell in the hospital and not knowing where Ethan is, it is really hard.

"Here's the store." I say stopping the guys.

"Hello! You must be Grayson!" A old lady says.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Here's the phone. Hope you boys find your friend." She says.

"He's my twin brother." I say.

"Oh my... Good luck to you all." She says.

"Thank you so much." Sam says smiling.

The lady goes back into her store.

"Okay Nash, Gilinsky and Sam got that way. Gray, Johnson and I will go this way. Got it? I started a group chat with Hayes and all of us, so if anything happens, text." Cam says.

"Okay!" Sam says grabbing the other two in his group, going the direction Cam told them.

"I got a map up on my phone of the area, let's check Starbucks." Johnson says.

"It's pretty close too." Cam says looking over Johnson's shoulder.

We start walking.

"Keep your eyes open." Cam says.

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