Living in Hell

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{Bluebell's POV}

I'm stuck in the attic. Its been 3 weeks since I've been adopted. Pretty sure Emily is in the hospital. Pete beats me daily. I scream and he hits me harder, I don't make a noise he hits me longer. I'm cover in bruises and cuts. Yes I cut. He tells me I'm fat, I'm no good, and that nobody loves me.

I get food whenever Pete remembers to feed me.

Whenever he isn't home I play guitar and sing.

I sometimes post them on YouTube. I get about 50 likes every time.

Currently I'm painting my walls. Pete is home so I have to be quiet.

I hum random songs.

I hear Pete pounding up the stairs. It stops, I hear cursing. He must have tripped.

"It's your fault!!" He shouts charging at me.

I back up into the corner. He punches my stomach, my arms, my legs.

"It's your fault she died." He shouts leaving me crying on the floor.

He slams the door and locks it! Wait what! I'm trapped!

I can jump out the window. I pack my suitcase. I put in underwear and a pair of shorts and a tank top. I throw in my notebook and art supplies. I put on my ripped skinny jeans and long sleeve shirt with mickey mouse on the front. I slip on my red converse. I set my guitar and suitcase on the roof. I lay my long board next to my guitar. I put my phone in my pocket and hop out.

There is a tree right next to the house! I drop my suitcase down and put my guitar on my back. I swing down the tree trunk.

I land on the ground and pick up my suitcase.

"You bitch! You jumped out the window!!" Pete yells opening the door.

I sprint down the street almost getting run over.

Wait that's a police man.

"Help!" I shout.

"What's wrong?" He says walking towards me.

I point to Pete who just rounded the corner.

"Sir you'll have to come with me." The police man says approaching Pete.

"What?! I did nothing!" Pete yells.

"I'm taking you in for questioning." The police officer says.

The police officer gets Pete in the car.

He turns to me.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Bluebell." I say.

"Did he do that to your face?" He asks.

I nod.

"Let's go to the station." He says opening the passenger door for me.

I nod.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"15." I say.

"Oh. By the way my name is Bob." Bob says smiling.

We sit in silence the rest of the way.

We arrived at the station.

"They are going to question you first." Bob says.

I nod.

Bob took Pete inside and told the other to take me to a questioning room.

"And you are?" A officer asks.

"Bluebell." I mumble.

My side hurts really bad.

"Well the chief and Bob will be here soon." He says leaving me in a room.

Just like the officer said Bob and another guy, probably the chief came in.

"So Bluebell, your 15, 4'10", adopted about 3 weeks ago by Pete and Emily. Emily passed away yesterday." The chief asks.

I nod.

"What did Pete do to you?" He asks.

"He hit me almost everyday." I say.

"We are going to take you to the hospital." The chief says standing up.

"Your going back to the orphanage you were at before." Bob says.

I nod.

They drive me to the hospital and take me in.

They talk to the doctor and she nods.

"Hey Bluebell, I'm gunna take a look at you. I'm Katy." The doctor says.

I nod.

"Your eyes are very pretty." Katy says.

"Thank you." I say.

"I need to check if you have any broken ribs. Can you lift your shirt up, please." Katy asks.

I nod slowly.

I lift my shirt. Katy gasps.

"He did that to you?" She says.

I nod starting to cry.

"Shh, he's not gunna hurt you no more." Katy says holding my hand.

I nod.

"Okay I'm gunna feel your ribs if it hurts really bad let me know." Katy says.

She feels my ribs. It hurt but not too bad.

"Well nothing is broken. You good to go." Katy says.

"Thank you." I say pulling my shirt down.

"No problem, it is my job." Katy says smiling.

We walked out of the room.

"Everything okay?" Bob asks.

Katy nods.

"Can I go back to my house to get clothes?" I ask Bob as we leave the hospital.

"Yeah sure!" Bob says.

We drive to the house.

"I'll wait outside." Bob says.

I nod.

I walk to my room.

I shove a bunch of clothes in a backpack.

I go back out to the car.

"Ready to go back?" Bob asks.

I nod.

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