Untitled Part 10

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Bluebell's POV

Nash texted me.

he's comin


"Bluebell. It's Hayes. Can I come in?" Hayes says.

I open the door.

"Hey." I say smiling up at him. Gosh why am I so short.

He gives a weak smile back. 

"I'm sorry I threw you in, I didn't know you can't swim." Hayes says starting to cry.

"Hayes. It's alright. I didn't tell you guys. I'm alive don't worry about it." I say hugging him.

Hayes immediately hugs me back super tight. Picking me up in the process.

I laugh a little.

"Sorry." Hayes says putting me down.

I smile. 

"Go put some actual clothes on." I say. He is still in his swimsuit.

He looks down.

"Oh!" He says smiling.

I shoo him out.

I do a belly flop on my bed. I'm tired. Where's my food?

Knock Knock

Oh my gosh people go away! 

"Belly, it's Cam." Cam says quietly.

I get up and slowly open the door.

Cam pounces on my and hugs me to death.

"Cam. Can't. Breathe." I say squirming.

"Oh!" Cam says letting me go.

I smile.

"You must not have seen the note I left." Cam says sitting on my bed.

"No..." I say grabbing my soup and sitting next to him.

He laughs.

"How are you?" Cam asks.

"I'm okay." I say.

Cam stares at me while I eat my soup.

"What?" I say looking at him.

"I love you Belly, your like my little sister." Cam says hugging me.

"Cam, your like my big brother. And you spilled my soup." I say pushing him away.

"Oops." Cam says smiling like a idiot.


"Who are they?" I ask Cam.

"Friends, they're super nice." Cam says cleaning up the spilled soup.

I walk down  to the kitchen.

"Ethan and Grayson Dolan are coming tomorrow." Hayes says as I get myself some water.

"Why?" I ask.

"They want to meet you!!" Nash says surprise hugging me from behind.

"Nash!!" I yell.

He turns me around and smiles. I give him a evil smirk as I dump the glass of water on his head.

"Wow thanks." He says shaking his hair.

"HAMILTON NASH GRIER CLEAN UP ALL THE WATER NOW!" Mom yells walking into the kitchen.

She walks back out.

"Hamilton?" I say.

"I go by my middle name." He says grabbing a mop.

I nod.

"Let's go outside Blue! Hayes says grabbing my hand.


"Dude Hayes and Nash got a new sister." Gray says sitting on the couch next to me.

"Really?" I say looking at his phone.

He shows me the video.

"Let's visit them!" I say standing up.

"Ethan. We have had it planned for a month. We leave tomorrow." Gray says laughing.

"Oh. I gotta pack." I say running up stairs.

Gosh, she is gorgeous. I wonder how old she is, what is her name, why did she need to be adopted? 


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